Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

The paper of Azerbaijan scientists was published in higher impact factor International Journal

Senior Researcher of the “Differential Equations” Department of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics prof. Ziyatkhan Aliyev  and a PhD student of the same department Shanay Hasanova their co-authored paper was published in the journal of “Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications” refereed by the international database “Clarivate Analytics” with a high impact factor 1.188 (Q1).

In the paper “Global bifurcation of positive solutions from zero in nonlinearizable elliptic problems with indefinite weight” ( is considered the global bifurcation of of solutions from zero of nonlinear eigenvalue problems for elliptic partial differential equations with indefinite weight. The existence of unbounded connected components of the set of solutions bifurcating from intervals containing the principal eigenvalues ​​of the corresponding linear problems and contained in the classes of positive and negative functions is proved.

See the following link to read the paper:

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