Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Senior researcher of the “Theory of Functions” department of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, f-r.e.d., prof. Najafov, son of Alik Malik, turns 65

Alik Malik oglu Najafov was born on July 1, 1957 in Padar-Chol village of Kurdamir region. In 1979, he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Azerbaijan State University (BSU). In 1980, by appointment, he started working as a teacher in a secondary school in Shamakhi district, in 1981-1983, he worked as a mathematician-engineer in the Special Design Bureau of the Azerbaijan EA RMI, since 1983, he was a senior laboratory technician, assistant in the “Higher mathematics” department of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction. , docent is currently working as a professor. Since 2012, he has been working at the “Theory of Functions” department of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

Alik Malik oglu Najafov in 1996 01.01.01-Mathematical analysis, defended his candidate’s thesis and became a candidate of physics-mathematical sciences, and in 2008, 01.01.01-Mathematical analysis, defended his doctorate’s thesis, and received the degree of doctor of physics-mathematical sciences received the title of associate professor in 2002, and professor in 2014.

The staff of the institute congratulates teacher Alik on his 65th birthday and wishes him good health, long life, scientific-pedagogical and social activities, which is the most valuable gift for human life.

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