Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Requirements for Dissertation

2.1. The main requisitions

2.11     The text is typed in computer and printed. The text should be printed on one side of   a white standard size A4 (210×297) paper  and the distance between the symbols should be 1.5 interval.
2.12     The text of the dissertation in the Azerbaijan language should be typed in computer with the letters of latin alphabet, in Russian language in Kirill alphabet, in the English language in English (USA) alphabet by Times New Roman 14 print.
The figures and tables may be performed in A3 (297×420)
2.13     The text of the dissertation should be typed with regard to fields: 30mm from the left, 10 from the left, 20mm from the top and bottom.
2.14     Taking into account the interval between the words, the amount of symbols shouldn’t be less than 60-65. The amount of lines in the page must be 29-31.
2.15     All the lines, letters, number and symbols should be bold typed.
2.16     Separate words, formulas, symbols may be inserted into the printed text with a black indian ink, and the density of the inserted text should be at most brought closer to the density of the main text.
2.17     Misprints, slips or graphical errors may be corrected. Each page may have at most two corrections.
2.18     The volume of the doctor’s dissertation should be 100-150 pages (with the exception of figures, tables, graphs, supplements and references), the volume of dissertation on humanities may be larger by 20-30%.
2.19     The main text of the dissertation is divided into the chapters, paragraphs and items.
2.1.10 The headings should be symmetric to the text and printed with capital letters, the heading of paragraphs should begin from indention and written with small letter (with the exception of the first letter). There is no a full stop at the end of the heading. If the heading consists of two sentences, they should be separated one from another by a full stop.
2.1.11 “Contents”, “ Introduction”, “ Conclusion”, “ References”, “Supplements” are the headings of structural elements of the dissertation.
2.1.12 The sub. sections of headings begin from indention, are printed with a capital letter without a full stop at the end and are not underlined. The distance between the headings and the text should be 2 interval.
2.1.13 Each chapter should begin from a new page.

2.2. Numbering

2.2.1    The pages of the dissertation in numbered with arabic numerals.
By numbering the pages the title-page is also taken into account. So, page 1 is the title-page, the number of the page is as the top right side. The pages (supplements, references, statements and etc) are sequentially numbered.
2.2.2    The list of references should be numbered with arabic numerals.
2.2.3    The chapters are numbered with Roman numerals. (For example: Chapter I). The content, introduction and conclusion are not numbered.
2.2.4    The number of sub-chapter consists of the number of the chapter and sub-chapter separated from one another by a full-stop. For example: 2.5 (the fifth sub-chapter of chapter 2.)
2.2.5    The items of the sub-chapters are numbered with arabic numerals. The number of the item consists of the numbers of the chapter, sub-chapter and item. At the end of the number the full-stop is put. For example 2.5.1 (item 1 of sub-chapter 5 of chapter 2)
2.2.6    The illustrations in the separate pages (tables, schemes, graphs) are also numbered as the pages of the dissertation. The tables, figures, schemes with sizes greater than A4 are accepted as a page and are arranged at the end of the dissertation after conclusion with the next numbering.
2.2.7    The text of the dissertation, references to tables and remarks should bee numbered with arabic numerals. One remark is not numbered. If the number of the remarks are more than one, after the word “Remark” the colon is given and the remarks are numbered. For example: Remark. Remarks:  1. … 2. …
For printing the remarks the size of the print should be 12, and interval between the lines 1.

3. Illustrations

3.1         The illustrations should be qualitatively. The figures may be drawn in indian ink or black ink, and may be coloured. In the dissertation work, the figures produced in a computer and original photographs may be used. The photographs of the size less than A4 should be pasted to standard white paper. In the first and second copy of the dissertation the photographs should be original.
3.2       The illustrations should be arranged so that it was convenient to see them without turning the dissertation by clockwise. The illustrations are located immediately after the text where it is mentioned for the first time.
3.3       All the illustrations in the dissertation are denoted by the word “fig.” and within the chapter it is numbered by arabic numerals. The number of the figure consists of the number of the chapter and the number of figure separated one from another by a full stop. For example: 1.2 (figure 2 of chapter1)
The number and the name of the illustration is arranged under the illustration.

4. Tables

4.1       The materials with numbers are usually put into shape as a table. Each table has its heading. The word “table” should begin with capital letter. The heading shouldn’t be underlined.
4.2       The table should be arranged in the dissertation immediately after the text where it is first mentioned. The table should be arranged so that one can see it conveniently without turning the dissertation or by turning it clockwise. If the lines and column are beyond the size of the paper, the tables are divided into parts and are arranged on other papers.
4.3       The tables should be numbered with arabic numerals within the document or section (with the exception of additional tables). The number of the table consists of the number of the chapter and the number of the table separated one from another by a full stop. For example: Table 1.2 (table 2 of chapter 1).  If the dissertation has only one table, it should not be numbered and the word “table” shouldn’t be written.
4.4       If the table is arranged on two or more pages, the word “table” and its number is shown once at the top of the first page of the table, at the appropriate places of the remaining parts of the table the word “continuation” is written. If the dissertation has several tables, then before the word “continuation” the number of the table is written. For example: continuation of table 1.2
The name and the number of the table are located on the table.
The name and number of the table is located on the top of table. The number in printed at the right angle.
4.5       Size of the print for the headings of lines and columns of tables is 12. The interval between lines should be 1 interval.

5. Formulas

5.1       The formulas in the text (if they are more than one) should be numbered by arabic numerals. The number of the formula consists of the number of the chapter and formula separated one from another by a full stop. The number of the formula is written on the same level with the formula at the right side of the page. For example: (3.1), i.e. formula 1 of chapter 3.
5.2       The meaning of the symbols and explanation of number coefficients met in the formula are given under the formula. The meaning of each symbol and explanation of number coefficient should be located on a new line. The first line of the explanation should begin with “there”.
5.3       The equations and formulas should be separated from the text to another line. At the top and bottom, each formula should have one or two empty lines. If an equation can’t be written on a line, it should be transferred to a new line after one of the signs of equality (=), plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x) or division (:).

6. References

6.1       The lists of references mentioned in the text should be written in alphabetical order and be numbered.
6.2       By using information from the reference with great number of pages, this reference is shown only once, but after reference in the text the number, volume (for multi-volume books) and appropriate pages of the work in the list are shown. For example: [39, p.250-252], [153.vol.2, p.106] and in another place of the text [39.p.156] [153.vol.1, p.86-91] and etc.

7. Title list

The title list is the first page of the dissertation, it is not numbered and is set up according to supplement 1.5 in regulations “about the dissertation Councils”

8. Contents

The content includes the names of all the chapters, sub-chapters, sections with their pages in the dissertation.

9. The list of conventional symbols, units and terms.

9.1       If in the dissertation special terms, not widely used abbreviations, new symbols and etc are used, their list is given at the beginning of the dissertation in a separate paper under the heading “list of abbreviations”.
9.2       The list is written in the form of a column, the abbreviations are given on the left side of the column (in alphabetical order), its exact decipher in the right side.
9.3       If in the dissertation the special terms, abbreviations, symbols, signs are repeated less than three times, then the list is not set up and their decipher is cited as they were mentioned for the first time.

10. The used literature.

10.1     The sources used in the dissertation work are given in alphabetical order in the language they were published (at first Azerbaijani, then turkic, russian, french, english, arabic and etc.) and are numbered.
10.2     In the list of the used references there should be also noted the literature of the last 5-10 years.
10.3     By describing bibliographic sources the following punctuation marks are used:
. full stop
, comma
: colon
\ oblique stroke
// two oblique strokes
( ) parentheses
[ ] square brackets

10.4     Bibliographic description is given according to the type of source. Information about the sources included into the list should be as follows.
10.4.1 The bibliographic description of the book ( monograph, text. books and etc.) is composed by the name of the author or the book. If the authors are no more than four, the surname and initials of the author or authors are given. For example:

Qeybullayev Q.Ə. Azərbaycan türklərinin təşəkkülü tarixindən. Bakı: Azərnəşr, 1994, 284 s.
Мамедов М.Г., Кребс Р.И. Иммуноферментный анализ: теория и практика. М.: Кристалл,
1999,109 с.
Прихожан А.М. Психологический справочник, или как обрести уверенность в себе, Кн.
для учащихся. М.: Просвещение, 1994,191 с.
Friemel H. History of agriculture development in Europe. Berlin: Springer
Verlag, 2000, 242 p.
If the authors are not indicated, if they are more than four, then only the name of the book is given. For example:
Напр.: Криминалистика: Ali məktəblər üçün dərslik / K.Q. Sarıcanlinskayanın redaktəsi
ilə. Bakı: Hüquq ədəbiyyatı, 1999, 715 s.
Умственное воспитание дошкольника. Под ред. Н. Р. Поддьякова. М.: Педагогика, 1972,
288 с.
Оперативно-розыскная деятельность: Учебник / Под ред. К. К.. Горя-инова, В. С.
Овчинского, А. Ю. Шумилова / М.: Инфра-М, 2001, 794 с.
The many volume editions are indicated as follows:
Azərbaycan tarixi: 7 cilddə, IV c., Bakı: Elm, 2000, 456 s.
Годфруа Ж. Что такое психология: в 2-х т. Т.1, М.: Мир, 1992, 496 с.


10.4.2 Bibliographic description of the paper consists of two parts:
1. Information on the paper 2. Information on the publishing house. These parts are separated     from each other by an oblique stroke “//” with an interval to and after.
In the papers with up to four authors the surname and initials of all the authors are indicated. In references in azerbaijan and russian languages the both initials of the authors, in the sources in West European language sources only the first letter of the initial is indicated. For example:

Vəlixanlı N.M.X əsrin ikinci yarısı – XI əsrdə Azərbaycan feodal dövlətlərinin qarşılıqlı münasibətləri         və bir daha “Naxçıvanşahlıq” haqqında // AMEA-nın Xəbərləri. Tarix, fəlsəfə, hüquq seriyası,   2001, № 3, s 120-129
Baxşəliyev V. B., Qədirzadə Q. İ. Gəmiqaya rəsmlərində Ön Asiya motivlərinin izləri // Naxçıvan Dövlət             Universitetinin Elmi əsərləri, 2002, № 9, s.37-40
Rəhmani S.Ə., Əhmədov M.A., Həmişəyev U. Ş., BabaşovaN.M. Plazmoferez zamanı hemoreoloji göstəricilərin dinamikası // Azərbaycan Tibbi Jurnalı, 1993, № 9-10, s.30-33
Краснопольский В.И., Буянова С.Н., Иоселиани М. Н., Петрова В.Д., Диагностика и выбор      хирургической коррекции недержание мочи при про-лапсе гениталий у женщин //          Акушерство и гинекология, 2000, № 1, с.29-32
Liang C., Kriman S. An IR – spectroscopic study of the effect of ionzing irradiation on the structure of             polybutadiene (akrilonitril) // Polymer Science., 1999, v.31, NO 123, pp.51-60

In the papers with more than four authors the surname and initials of the first three authors then one of the following abbreviations are given:

“ və b” in editions in the Azerbaijan language
“ и др” in editions in Russian language
“et al” in West European editions. For example:

Məmmədov F.X., Mahmudov T.Q., Sadıxova Z.İ. və b. Armourianum növü və onun seleksiya əhəmiyyəti   // Azərbaycan Aqrar elmi, 2003, № 1-3, s.78
Желудково О.Г., Русанова М.Г., Ишкова Т.А. и др. Результаты лечения хронического гепатита у        детей со злокачественными опухолями // Вирусные гепатиты, 1999, №2, с.11-14
Iger D., Mollis A., Knight A. et. Al. Automatized programmed synthesis of peptides // Journal of      Applicational Biochemistry, 2001, v.48, p.p. 326-329


10.4.3 The bibliographic description of the source in the collection of papers and proceedings of Conferences consists of two parts and they are separated one from another with an oblique stroke “/”
For Example: Məmmədova G.H. Azərbaycan memarlığının inkişafında Heydər Əliyevin rolu /         Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti H.Ə. Əliyevin 80 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş elmi-       praktiki konfransın materialları. Bakı: Nurlan, 2003, s.3-10
Магомедов А.Г. Шейх Шамил и освободительное движение в Дагестане / Материалы научной            сессии Института общей истории РАН. СПБ.: Теза, 2002, с.135-147
Dadasheva A., Mamedov M., Mikhailov M. et al. Influence of hepatotropic carcinogens to cytokines level in serum of rats. / Hepatocyte transplantation International Symposium.:
Progress in gastroenterology and hepotology. Hannover, 2001, p.12
10.4.4 By referring to dissertations at first the surname, initials of the author, the name of the dissertation are given, and after colon the scientific degree, city, editor year and volume are indicated. For example:
Süleymanov S.Y. Xlorofil-zülal kompleksləri, xloroplastların tilakoid membranında onların strukturu-         molekulyar təşkili və formalaşmasının tənzimlənməsi: Biol.elm.dok. ….dis. Bakı, 2003, 222 s.
Павличкова Г.Л. Индивидуализачия педагогической помощи на основе учета акцентуаций      характеров: Дис. …. канд. пед. наук. Владимир, 1992, 141 с.
The authors abstract in referred in the same way adding the word “the authors abstract”. For example:
Feyziyev F.G. İkilik canalı sistemlərdə diskret proseslərin kvadratik optimallaşdırılması                                üsüllar, alqoritmlər, proqramlar): Fiz-riyaz. elm. dok. ….avtoref. Bakı, 2003, 41 s
Влегжанин А.Н. Муждународно-правовые основы природоресурсной деятельности                              государств в Мировом океане: Автореф. дис. … докт. юр. наук. Дип. Академия  МИД РФ,   М., 2002, 39с.
10.4.5 By referring the newspaper materials, at first the surname and initials of the author, then the name    of the source, name of the newspaper, the name of the city where it is published, year, day, month            or the number are indicated. For example:
Məmmədov M.A. Faciə janrının tədqiqi. “Ədəbiyyat və incəsəsnət” qəz., Bakı, 1966,14 may
Зотов Г.Б.Тибетские тайны Гитлера. Газ. «Аргументы и факты », Москва, 2004, июнь, № 24
10.4.6 Archives materials are referred as follows:


Azərbaycan Respublikasi Dövlət Tarix Arxivi: F.44, siy.2, iş 26, v.3-5
ЦГИА Российской Федерации: Ф.19, оп. 3, д. 101, л.1

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