Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Academician Ashraf Iskender oglu Huseynov


In 1939-1965 Ashraf Huseynov was a professor of “Functions theory and Algebra”, then a professor and the head of “Functions Theory, functional analysis” chair at Azerbaijan State University (Now BSU) and has given special lectures on differential equations, mathematical analysis, integral equations, mathematical physics equations, theory of real variables functions and different fields of nonlinear functional analysis. Under the influence of lectures on nonlinear functional analysis given by Ashraf Huseynov at Azerbaijan. State University, Azerbaijan mathematicians began to study nonlinear analysis problems. The seminars under his guidance played a great role in development of this field in Azerbaijan. In these seminars, scientific directions in theory of branching of the solution of nonlinear equations, their solution methods, mixed problems for quasilinear, parabolic and hyperbolic equations, structural properties of singular operators, theory of nonlinear boundary value problems for nonlinear singular integral equations and analytic functions, numerical solution of singular-integral equations were created and developed.
Academician A. Huseynov has supervised over 30 PhD dissertations. He was a superviser of doctoral dissertations of famous mathematicians G.T. Ahmedov, Y.J. Mammadov, Kh.Sh. Mukhtarov, A.A. Babayev.
Academician A. Huseynov has taken parts in scientific conferences and Congresses. He had chaired international Conference devoted to application of functional analysis methods to nonlinear problems, mathematical solution of hydrogas dynamics problems to underground oil. In 1960-1965, he was a member of the Methodical Council in mathematics under the Ministry of Higher and Second Education of the former USSR. Acad. A. Huseynov has given general and special courses at higher education institutions of the Union of Independent States, at Tirana University of Albania.
He is the author of the text books “Theory of Sets” in the Azerbaijan language.
For his scientific-pedagogical activity A. Huseynov was rewarded to some prizes and in 1960 he was awarded the title “Honoured Science worker of Azerbaijan”.

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