Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

prof. Goshgar Teymur oglu Ahmedov


A known scientist in the field of differential equations and optimal control.
Was born on October 25, in 1917 in Soyudlik village of Gadabay district of Azerbaijan Republic. In 1936 joined the physics-mathematics faculty of Azerbaijan State University and was the Stalin grant holder, and in 1941 graduated from the University with honours diploma. In 1945, after finishing the higher education he participated in Great Patriotic War, in 1942 graduated from the Military Academy and in 1946 was demobilized from Army.
In 1950, under the supervision of acad. Ashraf Huseynov he defended the PhD dissertation “Investigation of some nonlinear equations”.
In 1956-1958 he attended the courses on preparation of doctors of Sciences at Moscow State University and in 1960 defended the Doctor’s degree dissertation “Analytic theory of operators and operator-differential equations”.
From 1946 he started working at Azerbaijan State University. From 1958 till the end of his life he has been at the head of the chair of “Differential and integral equations” of mechanics-mathematics faculty of ASU. At the same time, at different years he has worked as a dean of this faculty and the secretary of the party Committee of the University-During several years he has been the dean of the “Physics-Mathematics” and “Mechanics and Mathematics” faculties. In 1961 the scientific title professor was conferred upon him.
In 1969 he was selected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerb. SSR. For long years Goshgar Ahmedov has given lectures on the course of “Ordinary differential equations”. At the early sixties he has engaged in a new field of this time “Mathematical method of optimal control”. In Azerbaijan “Optima control school” was created first under his guidance. In 1971, under initiation of Goshgar Ahmedov, the All-Union Scientific Conference on Mathematical methods of optimal control was hold in Baku. This conference caused development of this field of science in our Republic. At the same time he has did great works in preparation of personnel on mathematics in Gazakhstan and gave lectures at the Universities of this country.
Under the supervision of Goshgar Ahmedov dozens of PhD and Doctor’s dissertations were defended. He passed away in 1975, buried at Alley of Honors.

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