Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics



26-th February 2020 at 10:00 at the institute-wide seminar of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS chief researcher, functional analysis department, MD, Elshad Hatam oglu Eyvazov with a report on “The role of mathematics in solving some problems of quantum mechanics.” The report consists of four parts. The first part will be discussed […]


Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS The International Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of acad. Faramaz Gazanfar oglu Maksudov will be held on September 09-11, 2020. Additional information about the Conference will posted on the site. © All rights are reserved. Citing to is necessary upon […]

The seminar on “Fractional integral operator and its higher order commutators in generalized weighted Morrey spaces on Heisenberg group” was held

On 21.02.2020, at 11:00 a seminar department of “Mathematical Analysis” by topic “Modern problems of harmonic analysis and applications” was held. At the seminar the PhD candidate of the department Javanshir Vagif oglu Azizov was report on “Fractional integral operator and its higher order commutators in generalized weighted Morrey spaces on Heisenberg group”. In this […]


On february 25, 2020, at 1100, at the Assembly Hall of IMM, in connection with commemoration of Khojaly genoside, on the initiative of the Trade Union Committee of IMM, the meeting with the known military newscaster of Azerbaijan, singer of military patriotic songs, chairman of the Social Union “Sopport for patriotism” Shamistan Alizamanli will be […]

ANAS commemorates Khojaly genocide victims

ANAS carried out an event dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide, organized by the Free Trade Union of ANAS and the Women’s Council, on February 20. The event in the main building of ANAS began with a moment of silence in memory of Khojaly genocide victims. Speaking at the event, first vice-president […]

A meeting of the commission for conducting entrance examinations for doctoral studies in philosophy in ANAS

The first meeting of the commission, created with the aim of organizing entrance examinations for doctoral studies in philosophy, was held according to the decree of the President of ANAS dated January 31, 2020. The meeting was attended by ANAS academician secretary, ANAS corresponding member Aminaga Sadigov, commission chairman Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh, Professors Izzet Rustamov, […]