Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The meeting of the Scientific Board will be held

On 15.11.2017, at 10.00 the meeting of the Scientific Board of IMM will be held. The following issues will be discussed:

  1. “Elasticity and plasticity Theory” department. Doct. phys. math. sci. prof. Vagif Gadjiev;

“Algebra and mathematical logic” department. Cand. ph. math. sci. ass. prof. Ali Babayev;

“Calculation mathematics and informatics” department. PhD in math. Hasan Nagiyev.

  1. On conferring the acad. degree of ass. prof. to senior res. ass. of 1211.01 “Differential Equations” department phD in math. Arzu Gambar kizi Aliyeva in the specialty “Differential Equation”.
  2. Current issue (reports of auxiliary departments. Suggestion on the project “EXPO-2025 Baku”; Affirmation of doctor examination commission in specialties.

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