Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Holders of masters’ degree of IMM passed exams

In 2017-2018 acad. The magistrates of ANAS admitted to the students that that hall collected high scores by the specialties “Mathematical analysis”, “Differential equations”, “Optimization and optimal control” and “Mathematical physics equation”. At present in general 12 holders of master’s degree study at the I and II courses.

Winter examination session of holders of masters’ degree gets started. For the I course students the exams were conducted on January 5 and 8 on the subject “Nonlinear analysis” and “Harmonic analysis” for the students studying “Mathematical analysis”, “Differential equations”, “Optimization and optimal control” and “Mathematical physics equation”. For the second course students studying “Mathematical analyses”, “Differential equations” , the exams were conducted by the “Spectral theory of differential operators”.
The exams were conducted successfully. Conducted note that the next exams will be on January 12,17,22,26,29.

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