Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Corresponding member of ANAS Vagif Guliyev is 60


On February 22, the known mathematician, deputy director of the Institutute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, corr. member of ANAS, prof. Vagif Guliyev will be 60. V.S. Guliyev was born in 1957 in Salyan city of Azerbaijan Republic. After graduating in 1978 Mechanics-Mathematics faculty of Azerbaijan State University (now BSU) with honors degree he begins to work at the Institutute of Cybernetics of AS of Azerb. SSR. In 1980-1983 he continues his education in post-graduate post. In 1983 he defended PhD dissertation in BSU. From 1983 he continued his scientific activity in V.A. Steklov Mathematics Institute of AS of the USSR. In 1987-1991 was in internship at V.A. Steklov Mathematics Institute. In 1994 defended doctor degree dissertation in V.A. Steklov Mathematics Institute of AS of the USSR. In 1997 was promoted to the rank of professor. In 2014 was selected a corresponding member of ANAS.
In 1978-1983 years he worked as a senior research associate of the Institute of Cybernetics of ANAS, in 1983-1995 as an assistant chief lecturer, ass. prof. in 1995-2008 as a professor of “Mathematical Analysis” chair of BSU. Since 2008 he is an acting professor of “Mathematical Analysis” chair at BSU. In 1995-1998 he worked on part-line basis in “Mathematical Physics Equations” department of IMM, in 1999-2001 a head of “Harmonic Analysis” laboratory under “Mathematical Analysis” department, in 2001-2003 an assistant manager of “Mathematical Analysis” department, in 2005-2008 as a part-time senior research association, in 2008-2014 as a senior research associate of “Mathematical Analysis” department of IMM.
Since 2014, he is a head of “Mathematical Analysis” department of IMM.
At present prof. V.S. Guliyev is deputy director of the Institute of mathematics and mechanics on scientific affairs.
When carrying out investigations in V. Steklov Institute of Mathematic in 1985-1990 years, V.S. Guliyev introduced new local Morrey-type spaces defined in homogeneous Lie groups and studied certain inclusion theorems in these spaces. He occupies a special place among the scientists that are engaged in actual problems of harmonic analysis in these groups. His scientific works were devoted to theory of integral operators in functional spaces defined in homogeneous type spaces, to theory of inclusion theorems for many-variable, differentiable function spaces, theory of approximations for function spaces determined in Heisenberg groups, to theory of Banach-valued function spaces, to theory of holomorphic and harmonic functional spaces determined in many-dimensional complex domains, to boundedness of integral operators in Morrey-type spaces and their application to theory of differential equations V.S. Guliyev scientific studies were awarded with a number of international grants. He has authored over 200 scientific works including 2 monographs. Over 150 of his papers were published in impact factor journals included in Thomson Reuters list. According to information taken from information system MathSciNet mathematical reviews, he has over 548 citations to his papers, according to Google Scholar Citations over 1852 citations. He has great merits in training of academic staff. He has supervised 20 philosophy doctors and 2 doctors of sciences. At present he continues to supervise PhD and doctor degree candidates. Some citizens from Turkey also among this staff.
He actively participates in scientific-social life of the Republic. In different years he has been a member of specialized defence council at IMM ANAS, of the expert commission of higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on mathematics and mechanics, of the scientific board of BSU, a member of several dissertation Councils, a member of the administration of Azerbaijan Society of mathematicians and the responsible secretary of vol. 2 of the proceedings of this society.
At present he is a member of the Presidium of Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
He has been responsible secretary of “Khazar Journal of Mathematics” is a member of the editorial board of the international journals “Fractional Differential Calculus”, “Eurasian Mathematical Journal” and “Proceedings of the Institute of mathematics and mechanics”. He is one of the editor-in-chief of “Caspian journal of applied mathematics, economy and economics”, is the editor-in chief of “Transactions of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences, issue of mathematics”.
V.S. Guliyev is a reviewer of a number of prestigious international journals included in Thomson Reuters list. Recently, for his scientific reviews by the editorial board of Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application with impact factor 1,014 he was awarded with reviewer certificate.
Prof. V.S. Guliyev’s scientific-pedagogical activity also was highly appreciated by government and other institutions. In 1993, for his scientific activities he was awarded with the prize of American Mathematical Society “Soros Foundation”. In 2000, for his efficient scientific-pedagogical activity in training high-skilled specialists he was rewarded the Honor Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 2002, was awarded with “NATO Science Prop Coll Linkage Grand”. In 2008 was rewarded the most active “team leader” prize within INTAS project. In 2014, by the decision of prize committee of “European Publishers” he was awarded with “the gold medal the best patriotic researcher scientist”.
On may 20-27, 2011 International symposium “Operator on Morrey-type spaces and applications” “OMTSA 2011” conference with participation of leading scientists of the world was held at Turkey, Ahi-Evran University under chairmanship of prof. V.S. Guliyev.
Rector of Ahi-Evran University of Turkey, signed an order on holding international Conference devoted to V.S. Guliyev’s 60-th anniversary on July 10-13, 2017.
V.S. Guliyev has repeatedly participated at international Conferences held in a number of countries of the world as an invited lecturer.
With direct participation of prof. V.S. Guliyev between the Institute of mathematics and mechanics of ANAS, V.A. Steklov institute of mathematics of Russia (Moscow), University of Friendship of Peoples (Moscow) and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirski) have been signed.
We congratulate our mathematician scientist Vagif Guliyev on the occasion of his 60-th anniversary, wish him a sound health and great successes in development of science.

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