Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Nəşrlər – 2022

2022 | 2021 | 20202019 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |

Riyazi analiz şöbəsi

1. F. Deringoz, V.S. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova, M.A. Ragusa, Calderon-Zygmund operators and their commutators on generalized weighted Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, 2022, 1-25. (impact factor 1.485)  (WoS, SCIE, Q1).

2. V.S. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova, Estimates for operators on generalized weighted Orlicz- Morrey spaces and their applications to non-divergence elliptic equations, Positivity 26 (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 40, 27 pp. impact factor 0.853) (WoS, SCIE, Q3).

3. V.S. Guliyev, Maximal commutator and commutator of maximal function on total Morrey spaces. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 16(4) (2022), 1-20. (impact factor 1.145 ) (WoS, SCIE, Q2).

4. Kucukaslan, V.S. Guliyev, C. Aykol, A. Serbetci, Maximal and Calderón–Zygmund operators on the local variable Morrey–Lorentz spaces and some applications, Applicable Analysis, 101 (5) (2022), 1-14. (impact factor 1.278)  (WoS, SCIE, Q3).

5. V.S. Guliyev, F.A. Isayev, A.Serbetci, Multilinear Calderon-Zygmund operators with kernels of Dini’s type and their commutators on generalized local Morrey spaces, Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mathematics, 42 (4), 1-19 (2022). (Scopus, Elsevier).

6. H. Armutcu, M.N. Omarova, Some characterizations of BMO spaces via maximal commutators in Orlicz spaces over Carleson curves, Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mathematics, 42 (1), 47-60 (2022). (SCOPUS).

7. R.A. Bandaliyev, D.R. Aliyeva, On boundedness and compactness of discrete  Hardy operator in discrete weighted variable Lebesgue spaces, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities,  16( 3) (2022), 1215–1228. impact factor-1.145)  (WoS, SCIE, Q2).

8. Aliyeva, D.R., Bandaliyev, R.A, On a sharp constant in generalized Minkowski inequality on variable Lebesgue space, Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 42 (4), 22–28 (2022).  (Scopus, Elsevier).

9. R.A. Bandaliyev, K.H. Safarova, On the solvability of nonlinear ordinary differential equation in grand Lebesgue space, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal,  74( 7)(2022), 1011-1019. (Impact factor-0.464) (WoS, SCIE, Q4)

10. T.K. Yuldashev, B.J. Kadirkulov, R.A. Bandaliyev, On a mixed problem for Hilfer type fractional differential equation with degeneration,  Lobachevskii J.Math.   43(1) (2022),  263–274. (Impact factor-0.620) (WoS, ESCI, Q3).

11. R.A. Bandaliyev, E.A. Ibayev, K.K. Omarova, A semi-Markov random walk process and its connection with fractional order differential equation, Markov processes and RelatedFields, 22 (5) (2022), 654-668. (Impact factor-0.441) (WoS, SCIE, Q4).

12. J.J. Hasanov, Z.V. Safarov, Hardy-Littlewood-Stein-Weiss theorems for Riesz potentials in modified Morrey spaces, Baku Mathematical Journal, 2022, vol.1, No 1, pp 37-46.

13. C. Avsar, A.M. Musayev, Z.V. Safarov, Two-Weighted Inequalities For Generalized Fractional Integral Operator And Its Commutators In Generalized Weighted Morrey Spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2022, Vol. 13, Issue 4 (2022), pp. 1-14. (Impact factor– 0.620) (WoS, Q3).

14. Mubariz G. Hajibayov, Hardy-Littlevood Maximal Functions and Fractional Integrals on Hypergroups, Thai Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2022), Pages 1–11,  (WoS, ESCI).

15. L.R.Əliyeva, R.M.Rzaev, L.E.Huseinova, Singular integral operator in spaces defined by a generalized oscillation, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, vol. 73, No. 9, February 2022, Ukrainian, pp. 1428-1444. (Impact factor– 0.260) (WoS, SCIE, Q4)


1. V.S. Guliyev, About Sobolev-Morrey estimates for hypoelliptic operators on homogeneous groups. Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 2022, Vol. I, pp. 195-197.

2. M.N. Omarova, Global regularity in weighted Orlicz-Morrey spaces of solutions to elliptic equations with VMO coefficients. Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 2022, Vol. II, pp. 369-371.

3. M.N. Omarova, K.A. Mustafayev, Boundedness of maximal operator in generalized local Morrey spaces, Azərbaycan Xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Aktual Problemləri” adlı Respublika Elmi Konfransı, p. 176, 2022.

4. R.A. Bandaliyev, K.H. Safarova. Connection of the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral with the nonlinear fractional integrodifferential equation in Lebesgue spaces. Proc. 8th Inter. Conf. on COIA, Baku, 24-26 August, 2022, p. 138-140.

5. R.A. Bandaliyev, K.H. Safarova. On discrete Hardy type inequality in variable weighted discrete Lebesgue spaces. Modern Prob. Math. Mech. Proc. Inter. Sci. Conf. dev. 11-th anniver. acad. I. Ibrahimov, Baku, June 29-July 1, 2022, p. 66.

6. Z.V. Safarov, Two-Weighted Inequalities For Generalized Fractional Integral Operator In Generalized Weighted Morrey Spaces. EGE International Congress On Innovation Technologies And Engineering. September 02-04, 2022 Ege University, Izmir, Türkiye.

7. L.R.Alieva, A.A.Tagiyeva, Riemann boundary value problem in generalized Hardy classes, Karabakh III İnternational Congress of Applied Sciences “Year of Shusha-2022″, vol.1, pp. 276-277, June 7-10, 2022, Karabakh/Azerbaijan.

8. L.R.Alieva, A.A.Babayev, On some properties of a singular operator on terms of generalized oscillation, Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics n International Conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academician İbrahim İbrahimov, p.37, June 29-1 July, 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan.

9. L.R.Alieva, R.M.Rzaev, Singular integral operator in spaces defined by generalized oscillation, International Congress on Innovation Technologies and Engineering, 2022. Ege University, pp.45-46, September 2-4, 2022, Izmir, Turkey.

10. A.E. Abdullayeva, A.N. Mammadova, On compactness of sets in the weighted Besov spaces, Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics n International Conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academician İbrahim İbrahimov, p.22, June 29-1 July, 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Funksional analiz şöbəsi

1. H.İ.Aslanov, R.F.Hatamova. On the existence and uniqueness of generalized solutions of second order partial operator-differential equations. Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics ,v.12, №1, January 2022, p.68-79.

2. H.İ.Aslanov, R.F.Hatamova. On the Neuman problem for a second order elliptic partial operator-differential equation in Hilbert space /Transactions of NASA , ser.Phys.Tech.Math.Sci., 42(1),2022, p.1-11.

3. H.İ.Aslanov, R.F.Hatamova.On well-deffined solvability of the Dirichlet problem for a second order elliptic partial operator-differential equation in Hilbert space.Proceeding of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan ,volume 48, Number1,2022,p.63-76.

4. I.M.Nabiev.Reconstruction of the differential operator with spectral parameter in the boundary condition // Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2022, v. 19, № 3, art. 124, p. 1-14 (Web of Science İmpakt faktor =1.4, Scopus).

5. Маммадова Л.И., Набиев И.М. Единственность восстановления оператора Штурма–Лиувилля со спектральным параметром, квадратично входящим в граничное условие // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Математика и механика, 2022, № 79, c. 14–24 (Web of Science, Scopus).

6. Mammadova L.I., Nabiev I.M., Rzayeva Ch.H. Uniqueness of the solution of the inverse problem for differential operator with semi-separated boundary conditions.Baku Mathematical Journal, 2022, v. 1, № 1, p. 47-52.

7. A.Q. Fərzullazadə, İ.M. Nəbiyev. Dirak operatorunun məxsusi ədədlərinin qarşılıqlı yerləşməsi // BDU Xəbərləri, fiz.-riyaz. ser., 2022, № 1, s. 23-32.

8. Aliev A.R., Muradova N.L. Conditions for the existence of smooth solutions for a class of fourth order operator-differential equations // Baku Mathematical Journal, 2022, vol. 1, no. 1, p.p. 3-14.

9. Aliev A.R., Gahramanli Y.N., Aliyev S.I. Research on the volume weight of foamed composites based on brick waste using neural networks // Azerbaijan Journal of High Performance Computing, 2022, vol. 5, no. 1, p.p. 87-93.

10. Алиев А.Р., Эйвазов Э.Х. Функция спектрального сдвига и собственные значения возмущенного оператора // Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ, 2022, том 512, с. 15-26.

11. Aliev A.R., Elbayly A.L., Muradova N.L. On solvability conditions of boundary value problems for a class of operator-differential equations of the third order in Sobolev type spaces // Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan, 2022, vol. 48, no. 2, p.p.
285-294. (Web of Science / Scopus)

12. Aliev A.R., Gamzaev Kh.M., Darwish A.A., Nofal T.A. Numerical method for solving the inverse problem of non-stationary flow of viscoelastic fluid in the pipe // Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Ser. Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software, 2022, vol. 15, no. 4, p.p. 90-98. (Web of
Science/ Scopus)

13. E. H.Eyvazov .Correct proof of finding the exact lower bound of the Rayleigh magnetic value, Baku Mathematical Journal, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2022, pp. 3-11. 14.

14. A.Jabrailova, A. Shukurov. On frames that are iterates of a multiplication operator, Revista Colombiana de Matematicas, 2021, vol.55, num.2, p.139-147.

15. Джабраилова А.Н., Джабарзаде Р.М. К спектральной теории операторных пучков. The scientific heritage,2022, №86(2), p.30-33.

16. Merve Yücel, Fahreddin Muhtarov, Oktay Muhtarov.A New Transformation Method for Solving High- Order Boundary Value Problems.Journal of New Theory. Volume 40, pp.90-100, 2022.ISSN:2149-1402.

17. H.M.Masmaliev., A.R.Latifova. “The Jost Solutions to the Schrodinger Equation with an Additional Complex Periodic Potential”. Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics, v.12,№1,2022, July(ISSN 2222-5498), p.39-43.


1. Г.И.Асланов, Р.Ф.Гатамова. О задаче Неймана для эллиптического операторно-дифференциального уравнения с частными производными второго порядка в гильбертовом пространстве. Актуалные проблемы математики и информационных технологий. Материалы III Всероссийской конференции с международным участием. (г.Махачкала издательство ДГУ,
7-9 февраля 2022), с.39-41.

2. Г.И.Асланов,Г.М.Эйвазлы.The asimptotic formula for the sum of the fourth deqrees of the neqative eigenvalues of the second order differential operator in the semi-axis.(online)Internatiol Simposium on Applied Mathematics and Engineering ISAME 22 Yanuary 21-23, 2022,Istanbul-Turkey .Abstract Book, p.128.

3. Hüseynov H.M., Şamilova R.Ə. “Yarımoxda kəsilən əmsallı ikinci tərtib diferensial tənlik üçün tərs məsələnin həlli alqoritmi” . ” Tətbiqi riyaziyyatın müasir problemləri” (BDU) Respublika elmi konfransının materialları, Bakı, 2022 (17 may), s. 124-125.

4. Hüseynov H.M., Bağırzadə T.S. “Kəsilmə şərtinə malik Şturm-Liuvill tənliyi üçün səpilmənin tərs məsələsi” / ” Tətbiqi riyaziyyatın müasir problemləri” (BDU) Respublika elmi konfransının materialları, Bakı, 2022 (17 may), s. 122-123.

5. Курбанов В. М., Гаджиева Г.Р Теорема о по компонентной равномерной равно сходимости для оператора типа Дирака 2m-го порядка//СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ МЕТОДЫ ТЕОРИИ КРАЕВЫХ ЗАДАЧ
Материалы Международной конференции Воронежская весенняя математическая школа ПОНТРЯГИНСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ—XXXIII Посвящается Юрию Ивановичу Сапронову (75-летию со дня рождения) (3–9 мая 2022 г.) стр.65-67.

6. Курбанов В.М.,Годжаева Х.Р. О скорости равномерной равно сходимости спектрального разложения функции из класса f (x) ∈ W1 p (G), p> 1, по собственным функциям дифференциального оператора четного порядка с тригонометрическим рядом // СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ МЕТОДЫ ТЕОРИИ КРАЕВЫХ ЗАДАЧ . Материалы Международной конференции Воронежская
весенняя математическая школа ПОНТРЯГИНСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ — XXXIII Посвящается Юрию Ивановичу Сапронову (75-летию со дня рождения) (3–9 мая 2022 г.) с.71-72.

7. Vali M.Kurbanov., Y. G.Abbasova. Convergence of the spectral expansion in from the closs in the vector eigen functions of a differential operator of the third order Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics. Proceedings of the International scientific conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academician İbrahim İbrahimov Baku, yune29-July 1, 2022, p.1265.

8. İ.M. Nəbiyev, L.İ. Məmmədova, A.M. Məcidli.Sərhəd şərtində spektral parametr olan ikinci tərtib diferensial operatorun spektrinin xassələri/ Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr edilmiş “Keyfiyyət təminatı rəqabət qabiliyyətli iqtisadi inkişafın əsas amili kimi” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq elmi-praktiki konfransın materialları, Bakı 5 may 2022 Biznes Univ.nəşr.,səh 166-167.

9. N.M. Aslanova., Kh.Aslanov “On Extensions with Continuous Spectrum and with Resolvent from for Fourth Order Differential Operators’ 5-th international e-conference on mathematical advances and its applications, May, 11-14, 2022, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.153.

10. N.M. Aslanova., Kh.Aslanov “On new method for regularized traces of differential operators” 5-th international e-conference on mathematical advances and its applications, May, 11-14, 2022, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.154.

11. N.M. Aslanova., Kh.M. Aslanov. , Mamed Bayramoglu. Asymptotics of eigenvalue distribution of one class of selfadjoint extensions, Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics June 29 – 1 July, 2022 Baku, Azerbaijan,pp.57.

12. N.M. Aslanova., Kh.M. Aslanov. On maximal operator and selfadjpint extensions of operator generated by fourth order differential equation, Proceedings of the 8-th international conference on control and optimization with industrial applications 24-26 August, 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan.pp126-129.

13. E.H.Eyvazov.Решение граничной задачи для двуцентрового уравнения Штурма-Лиувилля. Современные методы теории краевых задач, Материалы Международной конференции Воронежская весенняя математическая школа ПОНТРЯГИНСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ — XXXIII Посвящается Юрию Ивановичу Сапронову (75-летию со дня рождения), 3–9 мая 2022, с. 288.

14. A.Jabrailova, R.Dzhabarzadeh. To the spectral theory of multiparameter system of operators. Akad.I.Ibrahimovun 110-illiyinə həsr olunmuş «Riyaz. və Mexanikanın müasir problemləri» adlı beynəlxalq konfransın materialları, Bakı- 2022, səh.74.

15. К.А.Алимарданова, Ф.Р.Башлинская. Задача рассеяния для системы трех гиперболических уравнений на полуоси в случае одной падающей волны/ Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və mexanikanın aktual problemləri” adlı Respublika elmi konfransının materialları, Bakı, BDU, 11-13 may 2022-ci il, s.30-31.

16. K.A.Alimardanova, A.N.Safarova. The scattering problem for the hyperbolic system of six first order equations on semi-axis with three given incident waves/ Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və mexanikanın müasir problemləri” adlı Beynəlxalq elmi konfransının materialları, Bakı, 29 iyun-1 iyul 2022-ci il, s. 46-47.

17. J.A. Osmanly, A.R.Latifova. “On the Iost representation of the Schrodinger equation with delta-shaped potential” / Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics PROCEEDINGS of the International conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academician I.I. Ibrahimov, Baku, 2022, p. 168-169.

18. A.N.Səfərova, T.Q.Cəfərquliyeva. Yarımoxda iki məsələyə görə tərs səpilmə məsələsi, Azərbaycan xalqının Ümummilli lideri H.Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və mexanikanın aktual problemləri” adlı Respublika Elmi Konfransının materialları.BDU,2022,səh.205-206.

Funksiyalar nəzəriyyəsi şöbəsi


1. Vugar E. Ismailov, “A formula for the approximation of functions by single hidden layer neural networks with weights from two straight lines”, Proc. Inst. Math. Mech. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. 48 (2022), no. 1, 140-149, (Clarivate Analytics ESCI)

2. R.A. Aliev, A.A. Asgarova, V.E. Ismailov, The double difference property for the class of locally Hölder continuous functions, Moscow Mathematical Journal 22 (2022), no. 3, 393-400, (Clarivate Analytics

3. Alik M. Najafov, Sain T. Alekberli, “On smoothness of solution of a class of p-harmonic type equations”, Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations.  (Clarivate Analytics ESCI) DOI  10.1007/s41808-022-00170-z.

4. Alik M. Najafov, Sain T. Alekberli, “A solution of p-harmonic equations of fractional order”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 43, (2022), no. 8, p. 2244-2249. (Clarivate Analytics ESCI).

5. Aliev R.A., Ahmadova A.N., Huseynli A.F., “Boundedness of the discrete Ahlfors-Beurling transform on discrete Morrey spaces”, Proc. IMM NAS of Azerbaijan, 48:1 (2022), 123-131. (Clarivate Analytics ESCI)


1. Vugar E. Ismailov, Ridge functions and applications in neural networks. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 263. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2021, 186 pp.

2. R.Ə. Əliyev, Ümumiləşmiş inteqrallar və Koşi tipli inteqralların sərhəd xassələri, “Elm” nəşriyyatı, Bakı, Azərbaycan, 2022, 292 səh.


1. Vugar Ismailov, Linear superpositions of functions and their application to neural networks, FIRST INTERNATIONAL BILATERAL WORKSHOP ON SCIENCE BETWEEN DOKUZ EYLÜL UNIVERSITY AND

2. Əliyev R.Ə., Həşimova F.V., Diskret Orliç fəzalarında diskret Hilbert çevirməsinin xassələri, Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın aktual problemləri, Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş Respublika Elmi Konfransının materialları, Bakı, Azərbaycan, 11 –13 May, 2022, səh.34-36.

Diferensial tənliklər şöbəsi


1. A.B. Aliev, G.A. Aliyev, A.N. Huseynova, A Mixed Problem For A One-Dimensional Viscoelasticity Equation With Non-Stationary Conjugation Conditions, Baku Mathematical Journal, 2022, Vol.1, рp. 63-77.

2. A.B. Aliev, G.Kh. Shafieva, Mixed Problem for Systems of Hyperbolic Equations with Nonlinear Boundary Dissipation and a Nonlinear Source of Variable Growth Order, Differential Equations, 2022, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp.1030–1044. 2022. Web of Science (Science Citation Index).

3. A.B. Aliev, Y. M. Farhadova, Mathematical Analysis of Dynamic Models of Suspension Bridges with Delayed Damping, Mathematics and Statistics 10(5): 1024-1037, 2022(DOI: 10.13189/ms.2022.100514) (Scopus).

4. T.Gadjiev, V.S. Guliyev, An initial-boundary value problem for systems of linear partical differential equations with a differential operator of Gegenbauer type- Trancations of A.Razmadze Mathematical Institute, v.175, July 3, 2021 (dekabr), pp. 345-353.

5. T.Gadjiev, Thermal wauters of Azerbaijanian sources of Renewable alternative energy, DOI: 10.2120. 3-23-169020/V.1-Prepint. Research square.

6. Z.S. Aliyev, G.T. Mamedova, Spectral properties of a beam equation with eigenvalueparameter entering via linearly to the boundary conditions, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics (IF-1.25; Q1), v. 152, no. 3, p. 780–801.

7. Z.S. Aliyev, Y.N. Aliyeva. Global bifurcation results for some fourth- order nonlinear eigenvalue problem with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition. 24 july, 2022. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. ( Q1)


9. B.A.Aliev, V.Z.Kerimov and Ya.Yakubov Solvability of a boundary value problem for a second order elliptic differential operator equation with complex parameter Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. ISSN 2409-4986 (Print) ISSN2409-4994 (Online) / ( Çapdadır).

10. B.A.Aliev, S.Z Khaligova, Solvability of a boundary value problem with bounded operator boundary conditions for second order elliptic differential operator equations with a complex parameter Trans.Natl Acad. Sci.Azerb.Ser. Phys.-Tech. Sci. Mathematics, 42 (4), 1-19 (2022) / ( Çapdadır).

11. A.Kh.Khanmamedov.The Jost solutions to the Schrodinger equation with an additional complex potential// Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.- Tech. Math.Sci. Mathematics, 42 (1), 1-5 (2022).

12. A.Kh.Khanmamedov. One remark on the transformation operator for perturbed Hill operators// Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics V. 12, No 1, 2022, January, pp.160-166.

13. A.Kh.Khanmamedov. The Riemann function of the Cauchy problem for a second-order hyperbolic equation with a periodic coefficient// Advanced Mathematical Models & Applications, 2022, v.7, №1,pp.44-47.

14. A.Kh.Khanmamedov. To the inverse spectral problem for a perturbed oscillator on the semiaxis// Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan, 2022, V. 48, №1, 12-21.

15. А.Ханмаммедов. Одно замечание к обратной задаче рассеяния для возмущенного уравнения Хилла, Матем. заметки, 2022, том 112, выпуск 2, 263–268.

16. S.Aliyev, A.Aliyeva; Some a priori estimates for solutions of a multidimensional mixed problem for a class of nonlinear differential equations of the third order, The European Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences, №1-2, p.12-16.

17. Bilalov, B.T., Ahmedzadeh, N.R.& Garayev, T.Z. Some Remarks on Solvability of Dirichlet Problem for Laplace Equation in Non-standard Function Spaces. Mediterr. J. Math. 19, 133, 2022 (WOS, IF-1.305).

18. Z.A. Kasumov &N.R. Ahmedzade.О некоторых свойствах потенциала Рисса в пространствах гранд Лебега и гранд-Соболева. Труды Московского математического общества”, Том 83, вып. 1, 2022 г., 77-85 (SCOPUS).


1. A.B. Aliev,G.Kh. Shafieva, Initial-boundary value problem for systems of wave equations with nonlinear boundary dissipation and with a nonstandard interior nonlinear source, International Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Baku, 29 June-01 July, 2022, p. 42.

2. A.B. Aliev,G.Kh. Shafieva , Blow-up of Solutions of a Mixed Problem for Wave Equations with a Nonlinear Transmission Condition and Interior Focusing Source of Variable Order of Growth, XII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, August 29 – September 3, 2022, p.47.


4. А.Б.Алиев, Г.И.Юсифова. Смешаннаязадачадля систем нелинейных гиперболических уравнений с анизотропной эллиптической частью и нелинейной диссипацей. Актуальные проблемы математики и информационных технологий. Материалы III Всероссийской конференции (г. Махачкала, 7-9 февраля 2022 г.). – Махачкала: Издательство ДГУ, 17.

5. A.Б.Aлиев, Е. M. Фархадова. Математический анализ динамических моделей подвесных мостов с запаздывающим демпфированием Актуальные проблемы математики и информационных технологий. Материалы III Всероссийской конференции (г. Махачкала, 7-9 февраля 2022 г.). – Махачкала: Издательство ДГУ, 2022 c.19.

6. T.Gadjiev, The uniformly elliptic equations of higher order with discontinuous data in unfounded domains- COIA-2022, p 1-3. WOS.

7. T.Gadjiev, The solvability degenerate elliptic problem with Newman boundary conditions- COIA-2022, The 8 th International Conference on Contral and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 24-26 August, 2022, pp. 1-3 WOS.

8. T.Gadjiev, The behavion of solution nonlinear elliptic equations. 6 th International conference of Mathematics, 21-24 June 2022, Istanbul pp 1-16 WOS.

9. З.С. Алиев, М.Г. Панахов, О бифуркации из бесконечности в некоторых нелинейных задачах на собственные значения для пары операторов, Azərbaycan Xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və mexanikanın aktual
problemləri” Respublika elmi konfransının materialları, Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, 11-13 may 2022-ci il, Bakı s. 245–246.

10. Б.А.Алиев. Об одной краевой задаче для эллиптического дифференциально –операторного уравнения второго порядка с комплексным параметром. Azərbaycan xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Aktual problemlıəri” adlı Respublika Elmi konfransının materialları”. Tezis səh. 249-250.

11. Б.А.Алиев, В.З.Керимов. Разрешимость одной краевой задачи c операторными граничными условиями для эллиптического дифференциально-операторного уравнений второго порядка с
комплексным параметром Математическое и компьютерное моделирование естественно-научных и социальных проблем. Материалы XVI Всероссийский с международным участием научно-технической конференции молодых специалистов, аспирантов и студентов. Россия, г.
Пенза, 1-4 июня 2022 г. , с.3-8.

12. B.A.Aliev. On solvability of one boundary value problem for a second order elliptic differential-operator equation containing a complex parameter. International Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov,
Baku, 29 June-01 July, 2022, p. 33.

13. Ш.А.Мурадова, Э.М. Мустафаев. Об одной задаче рассеяния с сингулярным потенциалом типа меры. АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ МАТЕМАТИКИ И ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ Материалы III Всероссийской конференции с международным участием, г. Махачкала, 7-9 февраля 2022 г., сс.135-138.

14. Sh. A. Muradova. Boundedness of anisotropic singular operator in anisotropic generalized Morrey spaces. International Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Baku, 29 June-01 July, 2022, p. 154.

15. E.M. Mustafayev, Sh.A. Muradova. On a dispersion problem with a singular potential of measure type. International Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th
anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Baku, 29 June-01 July, 2022, p. 158.

16. Sh.A. Muradova ,E.M. Mustafayev. The Dispersion Problem with a Measure Type Singular Potential. XII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, August 29 – September 3, 2022, p.

17. S.Aliyev, A.Aliyeva. The investigation of multidimensional mixed problem for one class of third Order semilinear psevdohyperbolik equations, 5 th International online conference on Mathematical Advances and Appications, May, 11-14, 2022, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, Türkiye.

18. N.R. Ahmedzade, Z.A. Kasumov, On some properties of the Riesz potential in the grand Lebesgue and grand Sobolev spaces. XII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, August 29 –September 3, 2022, p. 43.

19. Z.A. Kasumov &N.R. Ahmedzade, On some properties of the Riesz potential in the grand Lebesgue and grand Sobolev spaces. Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, June 29 – 1 July, 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan, pp. 122-123.

20. Y.M. Farhadova. Existence of solution of nonlinear bridge problem with time-varying delay. International Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Baku, 29 June-01 July, 2022, p. 78.

21. A. Mammadova, A. Guliev, A .Abdullayeva. The bilateral estimates of parabolic potentials with polar value in special domains. International Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Baku, 29 June-01 July, 2022.

Qeyri-harmonik analiz şöbəsi


1. Билал Билалов. Банаховы функциональные классы Харди и метод краевых задач в вопросах базисов. Баку, «Элм», 2022, 272 с.

Book Chapter

1. Bilalov B.T., Sadigova S.R., Kasumov Z.A. Some Solvability Problems of Differential Equations in Non-standard Sobolev Spaces. IntechOpen. Differential Equations, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104918.


1. B.T. Bilalov, S.R. Sadigova, V.G. Alili, On solvability of Riemann problems in Banach Hardy classes. Filomat 35:10 (2021), 3331–3352 (IF-0.844; WOS; SCOPUS).

2.  B. T. Bilalov, S. R. Sadigova & Seyma Cetin, The Concept of a Trace and the Boundedness of the Trace Operator in Banach-Sobolev Function Spaces, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 43:9, 1069-1094 (2022) (İF=1.418; WOS; SCOPUS)

3. B. T. Bilalov, Y. Zeren, S. R. Sadigova & S. Cetin, On solvability in the small and Schauder-type estimates for higher order elliptic equations in grand Sobolev spaces (nonseparable case), Applicable Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2022.2052859(İF=1.278; WOS; SCOPUS).

4. B.T. Bilalov, N.R. Ahmedzadeh, T.Z. Garayev, Some Remarks on Solvability of Dirichlet Problem for Laplace Equation in Non-standard Function Spaces. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics volume 19, Article number: 133 (2022) (İF=1.315; WOS; SCOPUS).

5. Bilalov B.T., Zeren Y., Sadigova S.R., Çetin Ş. Solvability in the small of m–th order elliptic equations in weighted grand Sobolev spaces. Turk J Math (2022) 46(6): 2078 – 2095 (İF=0.954; WOS; SCOPUS).

6. B.T. Bilalov, S.R. Sadigova, On local solvability of higher order elliptic equations in rearrangement
invariant spaces. Siberian Mathematical Journal, 2022, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 425–437. (İF=0.698; WOS;

7. Bilalov B.T., Ahmadov T.M., Y. Zeren, Sadigova S.R. Solution in the Small and Interior Shauder- type Estimate for the m-th Order Elliptic Operator in Morrey-Sobolev Spaces, Azerbaijan J. Math, 2022, v.12, N2, pp. 192-222 (WOS; SCOPUS).

8. Y. Zeren , M. Ismailov, and C. Karacam, The Analogs of Korovkin theorems in Banach Function spaces, Positivity,  26, 28 (2022). (İF=0.853; WOS; SCOPUS).

9. M.I.Ismailov, S.I.Jafarova, On existence and uniqueness of generalized solution of mixed problem for one class of third order differential equations in Banach spaces, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics,
V. 12, No 1, 2022, 195-210. (WOS; SCOPUS)

10. Shukurov A.Sh., Jabrailova A.N., On frames that are iterates of a multiplication operator . Revista Colombiana de Matematicas Volumen 55(2021)2, pp. 139-147 (SCOPUS).

11. Farman Mamedov and Vafa Mamedova, Some remarks on Sobolev’s type trace inequalities. Azer. J. Math., vol 12, No 2, 2022, pp. 95-111 (WOS; SCOPUS).

12. Ismailov M.I. On uncountable frames and Riesz Bases in Nonseparable Banach Spaces, Sahand Commun. Math. Anal. Volume: 19 Number: 2 Pages: 149-170. (WOS; SCOPUS).

13. Y. Zeren, M. Ismailov , K. Acar and I. Aliyarova, On basicity of exponential and trigonometric systems in grand Lebesgue spaces, Hacet. J. Math. Stat. Volume 51 (6) (2022), 1577 – 1587 (İF=0.867; WOS; SCOPUS).

14. Z.A. Kasumov & N.R. Ahmedzade. О некоторых свойствах потенциала Рисса в пространствах гранд Лебега и гранд-Соболева. Труды Московского математического общества”, Том 83, вып. 1, 2022 г., 77-85 (SCOPUS).

15. Telman Gasymov, Ulkar Hashimova, Reyhan Taghiyeva. On the Basicity of Eigenfunctions of a Non-self-adjoint Spectral Problem with a Spectral Parameter in the Boundary Condition in Lebesgue Spaces. Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics V. 10, No 1, 2022, July. P.31-43.

16. Fatih Sirin, Yusuf Zeren, Telman Gasymov. On basicity of eigenfunctions of one discontinuous differential operator in Banach function spaces. Authorea. November 02, 2022. DOI: 10.22541/au.166736702.23017975/v1.


1. Bilal Bilalov, On Strong Solvability in the small of m-th order Elliptic Equations in weighted grand-Sobolev Spaces. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 19.

2. Bilal Bilalov, Yusuf Zeren, Betule Alizade and Feyza Elif Dal. Pseudosymmetric spaces as generalization of symmetric spaces. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 4.

3. Bilal Bilalov, Yusuf Zeren, Sabina Sadigova, and Şeyma Çetin. On solvability in the small and Schauder-type estimates for higher order elliptic equations in grand Sobolev spaces. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 51.

4. Bilal Bilalov, Yusuf Zeren, Sabina Sadigova and Şeyma Çetin. Solution in the Small and Interior Schauder-type Estimate for the m-th Order Elliptic Operator in Morrey-Sobolev Spaces. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 52.

5. Bilal Bilalov, Lyoubomira Softova,Yusuf Zeren, Sabina Sadigova. Solvability in the small and interior Schauder type estimates for m − th order elliptic equations in weighted Banach function spaces.5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 123.

6. Bilal Bilalov, Sabina Sadigova and Şeyma Çetin. The concept of a trace and the boundedness of the trace operator in Banach-Sobolev function spaces. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 164.

7. Muradov T.R., Seyidova F.Sh. General solution of homogeneous Riemann problem in Hardy- Morrey classes. Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110–illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” adlı Beynəlxalq Konfrans, 29 iyun-01 iyul 2022 ci il, Bakı, Azərbaycan, s. 155-157.

8. M. Ismailov and S. Jafarova, On b-Bessel families and uncountable b-frames in non-separable Hilbert spaces, 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul, Turkey, 163.

9. Y. Zeren, M. Ismailov and K. Acar, On the basis property of a weighted exponential system in grand Lebesgue spaces, 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul, Turkey, 200.

10. M. Ismailov, On basicity of exponential and trigonometric systems of sines and cosines in weighted grand Lebesgue spaces. Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110–illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” adlı Beynəlxalq Konfrans, 29 iyun-01 iyul 2022 ci il, Bakı, Azərbaycan, s. 110.

11. M. Ismailov and I. Aliyarova, Frames from weighted exponentials system with a general weight in grand Lebesgue spaces, Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110 illik yubileyinə həsr olunan beynəlxalq konfrans, 29 iyun – 1 iyul 2022-ci il, s. 111.

12. M. Ismailov and S. Jafarova, On uncountable b-Bessel systems in non-separable Hilbert spaces. Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110 illik yubileyinə həsr olunan beynəlxalq konfrans, 29 iyun – 1 iyul 2022-ci il, s. 112.

13. Исмайлов М.И., Фаталиева Л.С., О характеризации –фреймов в гильбертовых пространствах, Актуальные проблемы математики и механики», посвященное 99-летию со дня рождения Гейдара Алиева, (11-13 май 2022 год).

14. M. İ. İsmayılov, N. Q. Həsənova, Qrand Lebeq fəzalarında Riss tipli teorem haqqında, Актуальные проблемы математики и механики», посвященное 99-летию со дня рождения Гейдара Алиева, (11-13 май 2022 год).

15. Исмайлов М. И., О свойствах подпространств весовых пространств гранд Лебега, порожденных оператором сдвига , Актуальные проблемы математики и механики», посвященное 99-летию со дня рождения Гейдара Алиева, (11-13 май 2022 год).

16. Tagiyeva A.A. On Martsinkevich space. Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110–illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” adlı Beynəlxalq Konfrans, 29 iyun-01 iyul 2022 ci il, Bakı, Azərbaycan, s. 198.

17. Telman Gasymov, Ulkar Hashimova and Nubar Gurbanova. On the Distribution of the Eigenvalues Discontinuous Sturm-Liouville Operators with Indefinite Weight Functions. 5 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on MATHEMATICAL ADVANCES and APPLICATIONS (ICOMAA2022). MAY 11-14 2022, Yildiz Technical University,Turkey, p. 186.

18. Telman Gasymov, Sevinj Amiraslanova and Alirza Achmedov. On Uniform Convergence of Eigenfunction Expansions for a Spectral Problem. 5 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on MATHEMATICAL ADVANCES and APPLICATIONS (ICOMAA2022). MAY 11-14 2022, Yildiz Technical University,Turkey, p. 187.

19. T.B.Qasımov, Ü.G.Haşımova, N.C.Qurbanova. İndefinit çəki funksiyalı bir kəsilən Şturm- Liuvill operatorunun spektral xassələri. Azərbaycan Xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Aktual Problemləri” Respublika Elmi Konfransının materialları. 11-13 may 2022-ci il, Bakı. S.178.

20. Т.Б.Касумов, А.Г.Ахмедов, Н.С.Мусеибова. О базисности собственных функций одной спектральной задачи с точкой разрыва в пространствах Grand-Lebesgue. Azərbaycan Xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Aktual Problemləri” Respublika Elmi Konfransının materialları. 11-13 may 2022-ci il, Bakı. S. 288-289.

21. Khayala Gasimova and Vafa Mamedova. On a gradient estimate for some non-uniformly elliptic equation. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul, TURKEY. P.192.

22. Z.A. Kasumov & N.R. Ahmedzade, On some properties of the Riesz potential in the grand Lebesgue and grand Sobolev spaces. . Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110–illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” adlı Beynəlxalq Konfrans, 29 iyun-01 iyul 2022 ci il, Bakı, Azərbaycan, P. 122-123.

23. N.R. Ahmedzade, Z.A. Kasumov, On some properties of the Riesz potential in the grand Lebesgue and grand Sobolev spaces. XII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, August 29 – September 3, 2022, p. 43.

Optimal idarəetmə şöbəsi


1. M.J.Mardanov, T.K.Melikov, S.T.Malik. Necessary conditions for the extremum in non-smooth problems of variational calculus//Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2022, vol. 399(113723) (Web of Science Impact Factor 2.872) Q 1 .

2. M.J.Mardanov. Life of a scientist dedicated to mathematics // Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın müasir Problemləri (Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq elmi konfransın materialları) pp. 3-12, 29.06.2022-01.07.2022.

3. Y.S.GasimovH.Jafari, M.J.Mardanov, R.A.Sardarova&Y.A.Sharifov. Existence and uniqueness of the solutions of the nonlinear impulse differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions // Quaestiones Mathematics. 2021 DOI:10.2989/16073606.2021.1945702, Q 1 . (Web of Science)

4. К.Р.Айда-заде, В.М.Абдуллаев. Управление процессом нагрева стержня с использованием текущей и предыдущей по времени обратной связи Ж. “Автоматика и телемеханика”, М., №1, 2022, с. 130-149.( РИНЦ)

5. K.R.Aida-zade, V.M.Abdullayev. Controlling the Heating of a Rod Using The Current Time Feedback. Automation and Remote Control, Pleiades Publishing, ltd.,2022, V.83, №1, p.106-122. (WOS-0, 520).

6. Aida-zade K.R., Rahimov A.B. Numerical Solution to Inverse Problems of Recovering Special-Type Source of a Parabolic Equation. Mathematical Analysis in Interdisciplinary Research. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 2022, vol 179. pp. 85-100, Springer, Cham.

7. Aida-zade K.R., Rahimov A.B. On recovering space or time-dependent source functions for a parabolic equation with non-local conditions. USA: Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier Inc., 2022. v. 419, – 126849 (17 pages). (Web of Science, SCIE, IF: 4.091)

8. K.R.Aida-zade, V.M.Abdullayev. Optimization of the right-hand sides of nonlocal conditions of a controllable system with multipoint and integral objective functional. Optimization A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research. 13 Jul 2022.

9. K.R.Aida-zade, V.M.Abdullayev. Rod temperature regulation using current and time-delayed feedback. Quaestiones Mathematicae. 45(8), 2022, 22 p.

10. K.R.Aida-zade, V.M.Abdullayev. To the solution of integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions. Turk J Math. (2022) 46: 177–188, ©TÜBİTAK doi:10.3906/mat-2108-89.

11. K.R.Aida-zade, V.A.Hashimov. On one problem of feedback control of heating sources of a rod. MATHEMATICS. Том 9, № 2, 2022. 4-9 pp. doi:10.25206/2311-4908-2021-9-2-4-9 (РИНЦ).

12. D.A.Juraev, Y.S.Gasimov. On the regularization Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation in a multidimensional bounded domain. Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, 12(1), 2022, 142-161. (Web of Science –Emerging Source Citation Index).

13. Efendiev, R., Gasimov, Y. (2022). Inverse spectral problem for pt–symmetric Schrodinger operator on the graph with loop. Global and Stochastic Analysis, 9(2), Special Issue: Modern Problems of Equations of Mathematical Physics and its Applications, 67-77. (Scopus).

14. Adeyemo, O.D., Khalique, C.M., Gasimov, Y.S., & Villecco, F. (2022). Variational and non-variational approaches with Lie algebra of a generalized (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear potential Yu-Toda-Sasa-Fukuyama equation in Engineering and Physics. Alexandria Engineering Journal. (Web of Science
Impakt Faktor – 6.626 –Q1).

15. Carlo Cattani, Yusif Gasimov. (2022). Book Review: Mathematical Modelling by Simov Serovajsky, S. (2021), Chapman & Hall/Crc. Advanced Mathematical Models & Applications, 7(2), 249-250. (Scopus).

16. H.F.Quliyev, İ.M.Askerov. On a determination of the boundary function in the initial-boundary value problem for the second order hyperbolic equation. Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Серія: Фізико-математичні науки, 2022, № 1, c. 56-60. ZbMATH.

17. H.F.Quliyev, İ.M.Askerov. On a determination of the coefficients of the second order hyperbolic equation with discontinuous solution. Advanced Mathematical Models and Applications. Vol. 7, № 1, 2022, pp. 30-37. (Scopus).

18. H.F.Guliyev, H.İ.Seyfullayeva. Optimal control problem with coefficients for the equation of vibrations of a thin plate with discontinuous solution. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol. 48, İssue 2. Dekabr, 2022 (Scopus və Web of Science).

19. M.J.Mardanov, Y.A.Sharifov, H.N.Aliyev. Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Nonlinear Fractional Integro-Differential Equations with Nonlocal Boundary Condition, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS Vol. 15, No. 2, 2022, 726-735, ISSN 1307-5543 –, Published by New York Business Global. Web of Science.

20. Mərdanov M.C., Rzayev R.R., Jamalov Z.R. Assessment of the University Competitiveness in the Paradigm of the Humanistic System Behavior // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 362, pp. 591-598, 2022.

21. Misir Mərdanov, Ramin Rzayev, Xanmurad Abdullayev. Lütfi Zadənin irsi və qeyri-səlis məntiqin humanistik sistemin davranışlarının öyrənilməsində əhəmiyyəti, Azərbaycan Məktəbi jurnalı, 2021, №3/696, səh. 11-28.

Elmi konfranslar

1. M.J.Mardanov, T.K.Melikov, S.T.Malik. Minimum conditions in calculus of variations problems Inthepresence of various types of degenerations, Динамические системы и компьютерные науки: Теорияи приложения (DYSC), Материалы 3-й Международной конференции, с. 126-128, 2021– bu konfransın materialları 2021-ci ilin hesabatına daxil edilmədiyinə görə, buraya daxil edilmişdir.

2. M.J.Mardanov. Life of a scientist dedicated to mathematics // Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın müasir Problemləri (Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq elmi konfransın materialları) pp. 3-12, 29.06.2022-01.07.2022.

3. M.J.Mardanov, S.T.Malik. Strong Kelley condition in theory of singular optimal controls. Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics proceedings of the İnternational scientific conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academician İbrahim İbrahimov. 29 June-01 July, 2022, Baku. pp. 140-142.

4. M.J.Mardanov, Sh.E.Alieva. Necessary conditions for the extremum is non-smooth problems of variational calculus // Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın müasir Problemləri (Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq elmi konfransın materialları) pp. 138-139, 29.06.2022-01.07.2022.

5. М.Дж.Марданов, Р.М.Асланов. Штрихи к портрету Давида Гильверта, Х Международная научная конференция (К 160-летию со дня рождения Давида Гильберта 27-29 апреля 2022 года).

6. M.J.Mardanov, Р.М.Асланов. Бесценное наследие Насиреддина Туси в развитии тригономметрии, Материалы XVII Всеросийской с международным участием научно – практической конференции «Артемовские чтения», г. Пенза, 21 апреля 2021 г., стр. 71-78.

7. M.J.Mardanov, I.G.Mamedov, I.A.Abdullayeva. İntegral representation of functions in Sobolev’s anisotropic space with a dominant mixed derivative. Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics proceedings of the İnternational scientific conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academician İbrahim İbrahimov. 29 June-01 July, 2022, Baku. pp. 143, 144.

8. Misir Mardanov. Необходимые условия оптимальности для нового класса особых управлений. “4-я международная конференция Динамические системы и компьютерные науки: теория и приложения” (DYSC 2022)  19 Сентябрь 2022. Иркутский государственный университет.

9. Кулиев Г.Ф. Cейфуллаева Х.И. Задача граничной управляемости для уравнения колебаний тонкой пластины. “Riyaziyyatın tətbiqi məsələləri və yeni informasiya texnologiyaları” IV Respublika elmi konfransı. Sumqayıt, 09-10 dekabr 2021. с. 62-63

10. H.F.Quliyev, İ.M.Əsgərov. Kəsilən həllə malik ikitərtibli hiporbolik tənliyin baş əmsalının tapılması məsələsi. Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın aktual problemləri” Respublika elmi konfransının materialları. May, 2022, səh. 3.

11. H.F.Guliyev, H.T.Tagıyev, N.Z.Mammadlı. An optimal control problem for a second order hyperbolic equation with a nonlocal boundary condition and with discontinuity of solution. The 8th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 24-26 August 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan. pp. 189-191.

12. Y.A.Sharifov. Fixed-point iter ation method for solution first order differential equations, Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the International scientific conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, p.197, Baku, June 29-July 1, 2022.

13. M.J.Mardanov, Y.A.Sharifov. Quasilinearisation iteration method for solution first order differential equationswith nonlocal boundary conditions. Proceedings of the 8-th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Application, Vol. 1, pp. 330-332,24-26 august, 2022, Baku. Web of science.

14. Y.A.Sharifov, S.A.Zamanova, R.A.Sardarova. Existence and uniqueness of solutions for nonlinear fractional integro-differential equations with nonseparaded boundary conditions. Proceedings of the 8-th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Application, Vol. 2, pp. 447-449, 24-26 august, 2022, Baku. Web of science.

15. M.J.Mardanov, Y.A.Sharifov. Fixed-point iteration method for solution first order differential equations with integral boundary conditions. Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Oct. 31-Nov.6, Antalya, Turkey.

16. M.J.Mardanov, R.R.Rzayev. Determination of university rankings using expert-fuzzy methods of multi-criteria evaluation // The 8th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Ap-plications (COIA – 2022) 24-26 August 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan (SCOPUS, Web of Science)

17. E.Sh.Mamadov. Completeness of a system of eigenelements of twoparameter problems. // the 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications,held on May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul, Turkey


1. Misir Mərdanov. 1920-ci ilədək ali məktəblərdə oxumuş azərbaycanlılar. Ensiklopedik soraq kitabı. VII cild, Bakı: Təhsil nəşriyyatı, 2022-ci il, 520 səh.(Ədalət Tahirzadə ilə birlikdə).

Deformasiya olunan bərk cism mexanikası


1. Mehriban A.Mamedova, Ayten G.Muradova. Solution of the problem of deformation and stress of a thin round viscoelastic disk in the field of non- stationary and non-homogenous temperature // International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI) // |Volume 11 Issue 2 Series II || February 2022 || PP 15-21.

2. Mehriban Mammadova, Vusala Rzayeva. Steady – state longitudinal vibrations of a viscously damaged rod with regard to secondary effects // Proceedings Of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions // Volume 14, Issue 03, 2022, p.63-70.

3. Mammadova Mehriban A., Muradova Ayten G. Scattered destruction of a twisted hollow inhomogeneous damaged prismatic body // Engineering mechanics, Scientific and technical journal № 1-2(4) 2022, p.151-154.

4. M.A.Mammadova. Long durability of the damaged hollow shaft at torsion // Proceedings of Azerbaijan Higher Technical Educational Institutions, Mechanics and Machine engineering, vol.24, issue 04, 2022, p.52-56.

5. MEHRİBAN MAMMADOVA. Delayed torsional destruction of an anisotropic hollow cylinder // Journal of Baku Engineering University Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 2022, Vol.5, №2, p.60-64.

6. M. V. Mir-Salim-zade. Optimization of the bearing capacity of a stringer panel with a hole // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2022, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 513–523.

7. Мир-Салим-заде М.В. Оптимизация несущей способности стрингерной панели с отверстием // Прикладная механика и техническая физика. 2022. т. 63, № 3. С.161-172.

8. Мамедова Х.А. Oпределения времени разрушения полубесконечной пластины в агрессивной среде при ее деформации наклонной силой // Azərbaycan Memarlıq və İnşaat Universiteti, “Mühəndis mexanikası” jurnalı, 2022, № 1-2 (4), səh.128-132.

9. Mammadova Hijran Ali kizi. Corrosive destruction of a thick –walled pipe under the action of a torque // Azərbaycan Memarlıq və İnşaat Universiteti, “Mühəndis mexanikası” jurnalı, 2022, № 1-2 (4), səh.147-150.

10. H.A.Mammadova. On the time of corrosive failure of metals with regard to mechanical stress and temperature effect // Azerbaijan higher technical Educational institutions, Mechanics and Machine engineering, volume 24 issue 03, 2022, p.34-36.

11. Hijran A.Mammadova. The definition of time to corrosion failure // Journal of Baku Engineering University Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 2022, Vol.5, №2, p.51-59.

12. ВУСАЛЕ Б. РЗАЕВА. Нелинейная деформация вращающегося диска из вязкоупругого материала // Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş Gənc Tədqiqatçıların VI Beynəlxalq Elmi Konfransı. Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti, 2022, s.855-859.

13. Рзаева В.Б. Напраженно – деформированное состояние вращающегося диска из физически нелинейного вязкоупругого материала // Azərbaycan Memarlıq və İnşaat Universiteti, “Mühəndis mexanikası” jurnalı, 2022, № 1-2 (4), səh.133-138.


1. L.Talybly. Some exact solutions to problems of nonlinear viscoelasticity / The International scientific Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Baku, June 29 – 1 July, 2022, p.199-200.

2. Талыблы Л.Х. Метод решения общей квазистатической задачи теории линейной вязкоупругости и его применение / Azərbaycan Xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Aktual Problemləri» adlı Respublika Elmi Konfransı, BDU, 2022, səh.330.

3. Mehriban MAMMADOVA, Vusala RZAYEVA. Solution of the problem of torsion of physically linearly viscoelastic body / 6TH ANKARA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH / April 1-3,
2022, Ankara, Turkey, p.241-242

4. Mehriban MAMMADOVA, Vusala RZAYEVA. A thin round viscoelastic disk in the field of nonstationary temperature / 2.International Antalya Scientific Research and Innovative Studies Congress / March 17-21, 2022, Antalya, Turkey, p.191-192.

5. Мамедова М.М. Кручение призматического физически линейной вязкоупругого тела / Azərbaycan Xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həs olunmuş «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Aktual Problemləri» adlı Respublika Elmi Konfransı, BDU, 2022. səh. 294-295.

6. M.A.Mamedovaa , A.G.Muradova. Long-term torsional strength of a damaged hollow shaf / The International scientific Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Baku, June 29 – 1 July, 2022, p.134.

7. Равнопрочная форма отверстия в стрингерной панели с трещиной / Сб. трудов 23-й Международной научно-технической конференции: «АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА И СТРОИТЕЛЬНОЙ ИНДУСТРИИ». 29-30 июня 2022 г., Тула, Россия. c. 86-92.

8. E.T.Bagirov, S.D. Akbarov. On the dispersion of axisymmetric waves in the pre-strained highly elastic plate loaded by compressible inviscid fluid / The International scientific Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Baku, June 29 – 1 July, 2022, p.62-64.

9. E.T.Bagirov, S.D.Akbarov. On the dispersion of axisymmetric waves propagating in the pre-strained highly elastic plate embedded in the compressible inviscid fluid / The 8 th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, 24-26 August, 2022, p.111-113.

10. Зависимость поверхностного поглощения от отношения частоты объемных столкновений электронов и частоты колебаний внешнего электрического поля / V Всероссийская научная конференция с международным участием 9–11 декабря 2021 г., г. Сыктывкар, c.14-15.

11. N.M. Nagiyeva. Elastico – plastic torsional deformation of a hardening beam / The International scientific Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Baku, June 29 – 1 July, 2022, p.162.

12. Hijran Ali kizi Mammadova. On one empiric formula for corrosive strength of metals / 2nd International Science And Engineering Conference, Baku Engineering University, 26-27 November 2021, Baku, Azerbaijan, p.308-309.

13. Мамедова Х.А. Коррозионное разрушение при изгибе призматического бруса с эллиптическим поперечным сечением / Azərbaycan Xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Aktual Problemləri» adlı Respublika Elmi Konfransı, BDU, 2022. səh. 300-301.

14. H.A.Mammadova. Corrosive failure of a hollow cone under the action of torque / The International scientific Conference “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Baku, June 29 – 1 July, 2022, p.135.

15. Рзаева В.Б. Определение вязкоупругих свойств углеродистой стали 45 при высоких температурах / Azərbaycan Xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Aktual Problemləri» adlı Respublika Elmi Konfransı, BDU, 2022. səh. 324-325.

Maye və qaz mexanikası

1. Panahov, G. M., Abbasov, E. M., & Salmanova, G. M. (2022). Evaluation and control of gas-dynamic parameters of gas pipelines transporting heterophase mixtures. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2637(1), 040004. (Scopus, Web of Science).

2. Qeylani Pənahov, Babek Sultanov Ground consolidation under the fractal filtration law // ANAS Transactions (issue Mechanics), Vol. 42, № 7, 2022. – pp. 22-29.

3. Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Юзбашиева А.О., Мусеибли П.Т., Мамедов И.М. Исследование физико-химических и газовых методов воздействия при вытеснении углеводородов // «Azərbaycan Neft Təsərrüfatı» August 2022, pp. 22 (AR AAK-da tərəfindən akkreditə olunub).

4. Eldar M. Abbasov, Vusal G. Huseynov, Ulfet F. Jafarova, Sevinj Nasibova In situ gas generation in dispersed systems to control structure formation // Transactions of ANAS, Vol. 42, № 8, 2022.

5. Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Балакчи В.Д. Регулирование приемистости нагнетательных скважин набухающими композициями // Материалы II Международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 10-летию Северо-Кавказского федерального университета “Инновационные технологии в нефтегазовой отрасли. Проблемы устойчивого развития территорий”, Ставрополь, 2021. – С. 259 – 266. (РИНЦ).

6. Шахвердиев А.Х., Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Балакчи В.Д. Регулирование фронта вытеснения в неоднородных пластах путем блокирования высокопроницаемых каналов коллектора набухающей композицией // Актуальные проблемы нефтегазовой отрасли. Cборник докладов научно-практической конференции журнала «Нефтяное хозяйство». г. Москва, 2022. – С. 268-281. (РИНЦ).

7. Аббасов Э.М., Агаева Г.Р. и др. Simulation of the inference of filter operation process on oil and gas production indicators // Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics. Vol.10, № 1, 2022.

8. Pənahov Q.M., Əhmədov A.D., Məmmədov İ.C. Müxtəlif reofiziki xassələrə malik sıxışdıran və sıxışdırılan sistemlərdə dayanıqlığın müəyyən edilməsi üçün təqribi üsulların işlənməsi // Proceedings of the II International Science and Engineering Conference, Baku Engineering University, Baku, Azerbaijan. – 2022. – Səh. 63 – 65.

9. Məmmədov İ.С. Müxtəlif reofiziki xassələrə malik sıxışdıran və sıxışdırılan sistemlərdə dayanıqlığın müəyyən edilməsi üçün təqribi üsulların işlənməsi // BDU Xəbərləri Jurnalı, Bakı Dövlət Universiteti.

10. Azizaga Kh. Shakhverdiev, Geylani M. Panahov, Renqi Jiang, Eldar M. Abbasov In- situ CO2 generation technology as the method for residual oil recovery // Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, Taylor and Francis (JCR Impact Factor – 1.325) – çapa qəbul olunub.

11. Panahov G.M., Abbasov E.M., Sultanov B.N. Capillary instability control under hydrodynamic impact on the reservoir // Int. J. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering (Scopus) – çapa qəbul olunub.

12. Qeylani Pənahov, Perviz Museibli, Babek Sultanov Effect of soil consolidation on the fractality of the filtration law // International Journal of Applied Mechanics (IJAME), University of Zielona Góra, Department of Mechanics – (Scopus) – çapa təqdim olunub.

Cəbr və riyazi məntiq şöbəsi

1. R.M.Aslanov Структура и содержание курса дисциплины «Уравнения математической физики» в подготовке бакалавров.Материалы Всеросс. научно-практ. конф. – Ульяновск: ФГБОУ ВО «УлГПУ им. И.Н. Ульянова», стр.7–10.

2. R.M.Aslanov О формировании контрольных работ при организации учебного процесса в курсе теории функций комплексного переменного.Материалы III Международной научно- практической
конференции, посвя-щенной 130-летию П.А.Ларичева .16–18 марта 2022 г. стр.7-9.

3. R.M.Aslanov О технологии разработки электронных обучающих средств для программ высшего образования, сопряженных с программами профессионального обучения. Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием . 28 февраля 2022 г.

4. R.M.Aslanov Использование тестовых форм в обучении истории математики. Сборник научных статей международной научно- практической конференции «Математика, информатика, физика: проблемы и перспективы», Оренбург, 21–22 апреля 2022 г. стр.116–125.

5. R.M.Aslanov Штрихи к портрету ДавидаГильберта. Сборник трудов 10 Международной научной
конференции «Математика. Образование. Культура. ( к 160-летию со дня рождения Д. Гильберта)» Россия, г. Тольятти, 27-29 апреля 2022 г.

6. R.M.Aslanov Штрихи к портрету И.И.Ибрагимова. Вестник, Набережночелнинского государственного педагогического университета: спец. выпуск, Вып. 2(37) – Набережные Челны, 2022, cтр.8–11.

7. A.A.Babayev,О статусе терминов, порядке посылок и четырех фигурах силлогизма в силлогистике
Насиреддина Туси Логико-философские штудии. Том 20, №2, 2022, стр.25-35

8. E.M.Məmmədov, Elm və din münasibətlərində dörd nəzəriyyə. Din Araşdırmalar Jurnalı. Az. İlahiyyat İnstitutu. 2021 – N 2(7), səh. 211-254.

9. E.M.Məmmədov, Ə.Məlikov. Neopozitivizmdə həqiqi olmanın şərtləri əsaslandırılmış doğru inam Din Araşdırmalar Jurnalı. Az. İlahiyyat İnstitutu. 2021 – N 2(7), səh. 215-232.

10. E.M.Məmmədov, Ə.Məlikov. On substitution and extension operators in Banach-Sobolev function spaces Proc. of the Institute of Math. and Mechanics, NAS of Azerbaijan, 2022, v. 48, N. 1, pp. 88-103.


1. R.M.Aslanov Emergence and history of complex analysis Modern problems of Mathematics and
Mechanics, Proceedings of the İnternational scientific conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary
of academician İbrahim İbrahimov, Baku, 2022. pp.55-56.

2. A.A.Babayev, V.F.Məclumbəyova Tables in the mathematiocal and logical üorks of N.Tusi. Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the İnternational scientific conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academician İbrahim İbrahimov, Baku, 2022. pp.60-61.

3. A.A.Babayev, V.F.Məclumbəyova К вопросу о «геометрической алгебре» Наука и Техника: Вопросы истории и теории. Выпуск XXXVIII, Санкт-петербург-2022, стр.115-117

4. L.Ə.Şeyxzamanova, Ə.S.Əliyev About the commentaries of Nasireddin Tusi of the üork of Arcim edes “About the ball and the cylinder”. Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the
İnternational scientific conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academician İbrahim İbrahimov,
Baku, 2022. p.45.

5. V.M.Məmmədova Compactness of weighted endomorphism of functional algebras of A-valued functions on local compacted sets. Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the
İnternational scientific conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academician İbrahim İbrahimov,
Baku, 2022. p.136.

Kompüter texnologiyaları və riyazi statistika

1. Н.Г.Джавадов, М.Дж.Марданов, Г.А.Нагиев. Оптимизация высоты полета в системе аэрофотозондирования, с учетом рельефности контролируемой территории / Известия АНАА, Баку 2022, N:3 (25), стр.4-14.

2. H.A.Nagiev. Probabilistic Approach to the Problem of Studying Residence Time Distribution for a Flow with Ideal Mixing//İnsan-Kompüter Qarşılıqlı Əlaqəsi mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Şərq Konfransının Materialları (Naxçıvan Dövlət universiteti 9-10 sentyabr 2022, IECHCI2022) s.223-227.

3. S.A Aliyev, İ.A.İbadova, V.S. Khalilov Limit theorems for the moment of the first reaching a high level by branching processes./ Azərb.Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyi Naxçıvan Dövlət Universitrti, İSSN 2222-940X, Elmi əsərlər Fizika-Riyaziyyat və Texniki elmlər seriyası 2021, №4 (113), UOT: 512, pp.9-13.

4. İ.A.İbadova, F.G. Rahimov, L.V. Guliyeva. Informatics and Control Problems 41 Issue 2 (2021) Institute of Control Systems of ANAS, journal homepage: , pp.40-46.

5. S.A Aliyev, İ.A.İbadova, V.S. Khalilov. Convergence of branching processes with migration and continuous time/ Online International Symposium on Applied Mathematics and Engineering (ISAME22) Abstracts Book January 21-23, pp.129, 2022, Birunu Univ. İstanbul-Turkey.

6. С. A. Алиев, И.A. Ибадова, В. С. Халилов. Сходимости ветвящихся процессов с непрерывным фазовым пространством/ Актуальные Проблемы Математики И Информационных Технологий Материалы III Всероссийской конференции с международным участием (г. Махачкала, 7-9 февраля 2022 г.) Махачкала Издательство ДГУ 2022, ст,25-26.

7. S.A Aliyev, İ.A.İbadova. Limit theorems for the random walks describes by the generalization of autoreqressive process of order one (AR(1))/ Modern Problems of Matematics and Mechanics proceedings of the International scientific conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academicial Ibrahim Ibrahimov. Baku June 29-July1, 2022, pp.41.

8. İ.A.İbadova., F.H. Rahimov, V.S. Khalilov. Limit theorems for the Markov random walk describet by an autoregressive process AR(1) for non linear boundaries/ Modern Problems of Matematics and Mechanics proceedings of the International scientific conference devoted to the 110-th anniversary of academicial Ibrahim Ibrahimov. Baku June 29-July1, 2022, pp.177.

9. İ.A.İbadova., F.G. Rahimov, S.A.Aliyev. On the family of the Markov random walks described by the generalization of autoregressive process of order one (AR(1))/ Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications COIA 2022, 24-26 August 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan.pp.90-92.

Tətbiqi riyaziyyat şöbəsi

1. E. M.Abbasov “Gas Motion in Reservoir-Well System Subject to Heat Transfer”, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2022, vol. 31, №. 2, pp. 283-298 ; (Thomson Reuters); Q2.

2. Е.М.Аббасов, Н.А.Агаева «Моделирование движения газа в системе пласт-трубопровод», Национальная Академия Наук Беларуси Институт Тепло-и Массообмена им. А.В.Лыкова Инженерно- Физический Журнал (ИФЖ) 2022, iyul-avqust, том. 95, №. 4, с. 894-904; (Thomson Reuters) ; Q2.

3. Е.М.Аббасов, Г.Р.Агаева, Т.С.Кенгерли, А.О.Даришова «Моделирование теплообменного процесса вытеснения нефти горячей водой в сопряженной системе пласт-скважина», Инженерно- Физический Журнал (ИФЖ) 2022, sentyabr-oktyabr, том. 95, №. 5, с. 1183-1189; (Thomson Reuters) ; Q2

4. E.M. Abbasov, G.R.Agayeva, T.S.Kengerli , N.R. Abdullayeva “Simulation of the Inference of Filter Operation Process on Oil and Gas Production Indicators” // Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics – ISSN: 2222-5498, p. 83-97,Volume 12, Issue 1, 2022.

5. E.M. Abbasov «Моделирование теплообменного процесса вытеснения нефти горячей водой в сопряженной системе пласт-скважина», “Istilikkeçirmə və kütlə mübadiləsi üzrə XVI Minsk Beynəlxalq Forum”u, 16 may – 19 may 2022-ci il, Minsk şəhəri (“Институт тепло и массообмена” имени А.В.Лыкова НАН Беларуси).

6. E.M. Abbasov G.R.Agayeva N.R.Abdullaeva “Model of non-stationary movement of gas-liquid mixture in the reservoir-well system, taking into account the heat exchange process”, Proseedings of the 8 th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications BAKU, Azerbaijan, June, 2022 (Web of Science).

7. E.M. Abbasov N.A.Agayeva “Movement of the gas-liquid mixture in the system of the reservoir-pipeline when connecting to the main line of the new source”, Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110–illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” adlı Beynəlxalq konfrans. 29 iyun-01 iyul, 2022- ci il, Bakı şəhəri

8. Sh.A.Kerimova “Analysis of changes in well pressure at different moments of time in pulsating cases of wellhead pressure values”  //International Scientific Conference «Process Management and Scientific Developments», (Birmingham, United Kingdom).  April 6, 2022, p.131-141.

9. Aliyev G.G., Aliyev A.G. “Strength of multilayer polymer pipe taking into account change in physical and mechanical properties of the material”, EESJ-East European Science Journal, vol2-№ 11(75), december, 2021, (Poland-Warsaw), ISSN 2468-5380, Impact Factor – 1.572, p.68-77.

10. İrada Mirzezade ”Intelligent information system of monitoring,diagnosis and prognosis of diseases in urgent therapy using carbon monoxide poisoning as an example” Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110 illik yubileyinə həsr olunan beynəlxalq elmi konfrans Bakı -2022, səh.149, 29 iyun-1 iyul.

11. İrada Mirzezade ”İntelleigent information system of monitoring,diagnosis and prognosis of diseases in urgent therapy:the case of carbon monoxide poisoning ” COİA 2022 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Control and optimization with industrial applications Volume 2, 24-26 august, 2022 Baku,Azerbaijan p. 345-347.

12. İrada Mirzezade “Artificial Intelligence In Problems Of Diagnostics And Of Acute Poisonings With Toxic Substances(Using An Example Of Differential Diagnosis Of Carbon Monoxide Poisonings) Lambert Akademic Publishing, 52 səh.

13. Э.Г.Шахбандаев «Устойчивость конструктивно ортотропной неоднородной цилиндрической оболочки от неравномерной радиальной нагрузки», Maşınşünaslıq, №1, 6 с., 2022.

“Siqnalların emalının riyazi problemləri”  laboratoriyası

Book Chapter

1. Bilalov B.T., Sadigova S.R., Kasumov Z.A. Some Solvability Problems of Differential Equations in
Non-standard sobolev Spaces. IntechOpen. Differential Equations, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.104918


1. B.T. Bilalov, S.R. Sadigova, V.G. Alili, On solvability of Riemann problems in Banach Hardy classes. Filomat 35:10 (2021), 3331–3352 (IF-0.844; WOS; SCOPUS).

2. B. T. Bilalov, S. R. Sadigova & Seyma Cetin, The Concept of a Trace and the Boundedness of the Trace Operator in Banach-Sobolev Function Spaces, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 43:9, 1069-1094 (2022) (İF=1.418; WOS; SCOPUS).

3. B. T. Bilalov, Y. Zeren, S. R. Sadigova & S. Cetin, On solvability in the small and Schauder-type estimates for higher order elliptic equations in grand Sobolev spaces (nonseparable case), Applicable Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2022.2052859(İF=1.278; WOS; SCOPUS)

4. Bilalov B.T., Zeren Y., Sadigova S.R., Çetin Ş. Solvability in the small of m–th order elliptic equations in weighted grand Sobolev spaces. Turk J Math (2022) 46: 2078 – 2095 (İF=0.954; WOS; SCOPUS).

5. B.T. Bilalov, S.R. Sadigova, On local solvability of higher order elliptic equations in rearrangement invariant spaces. Siberian Mathematical Journal, 2022, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 425–437. (İF=0.698; WOS;

6. Bilalov B.T., Ahmadov T.M., Y. Zeren, Sadigova S.R. Solution in the Small and Interior Shauder-type Estimate for the m-th Order Elliptic Operator in Morrey-Sobolev Spaces, Azerbaijan J. Math, 2022, v.12, N2, pp. 192-222 (WOS; SCOPUS)

7. Z.C. Zabidov, X.M.Qədirova, S.Ə.Əhmədov, «Spektral təsvirlər əsasında müxtəlif relyefli ərazilərin bitki örtüyünün qiymətləndirilməsi» Sumqayıt Dövlət Universiteti, Elmi Xəbərlər, Sumqayıt, Azərbaycan, cild 22, № 3,2022 il, ss. 85-90.


1. Bilal Bilalov, Yusuf Zeren, Sabina Sadigova, and Şeyma Çetin. On solvability in the small and Schauder-type estimates for higher order elliptic equations in grand Sobolev spaces. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022,
Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 51.

2. Bilal Bilalov, Yusuf Zeren, Sabina Sadigova and Şeyma Çetin. Solution in the Small and Interior Schauder-type Estimate for the m-th Order Elliptic Operator in Morrey-Sobolev Spaces. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 52.

3. Bilal Bilalov, Lyoubomira Softova,Yusuf Zeren, Sabina Sadigova. Solvability in the small and interior Schauder type estimates for m − th order elliptic equations in weighted Banach function spaces.5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 123.

4. Bilal Bilalov, Sabina Sadigova and Şeyma Çetin. The concept of a trace and the boundedness of the trace operator in Banach-Sobolev function spaces. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 164.

5. Sabina Sadigova and Aygun Abdullayeva. On \mu-strong Cesaro summability at infinity. 5th International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 11-14, 2022, Istanbul / TURKEY, p. 40

6. S.R. Sadigova, A.S. Abdullayeva. On Riemann problem in weighted Smirnov classes. Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110 illik yubileyinə həsr olunan beynəlxalq konfrans, 29 iyun – 1 iyul 2022-ci il, s. 184-186.

7. Z.C. Zabidov, B.C. Maharramov, Kh.M. Gadirova. Assessment of informativity data of the Water Flow in observation points by Schulz method. Akademik İbrahim İbrahimovun 110 illik yubileyinə həsr olunan beynəlxalq konfrans, 29 iyun – 1 iyul 2022-ci il, s. 206.

8. Zabidov Z.C., Qədirova X.M. Application of interpolation method to reduce the number of discrete signal presentations in environmental monitoring issues. XI Международную молодежную научно-практическую конференцию «Математическое моделирование процессов и систем» .10–12 ноября 2021 г. г. Стерлитамак, c.13-14.

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