Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Nəşrlər 2023

Riyazi analiz şöbəsi

1. V.S. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova, M.A.Ragusa, Characterizations for the genuine Calderon-Zygmund operators and commutators on generalized Orlicz-Morrey spacesAdvances in Nonlinear Analysis,  12(1) (2023), anona 2022–0307.  (IF-4.200)     (WoS, SCIE, Q1)

2. V.S. Guliyev, Characterizations of Lipschitz functions via the commutators of maximal function in Orlicz spaces on stratified Lie groups, Math. Inequal. Appl. 26 (2023), no.2, 447–464.  (IF-1.014) (WoS, SCIE, Q2).

3. V.S. Guliyev,  Commutators of multilinear Calderón-Zygmund operators with kernels of Dini’s type on generalized weighted Morrey spaces and applicationsPositivity 27 (2023), no. 1, Paper No. 13, 29 pp. (IF-0.853) (WoS, SCIE,Q3).

4. V.S. Guliyev, Some characterizations of  BMO  spaces via commutators of fractional maximal operator in Orlicz spaces over spaces of homogeneous typeTrans. A. Razmadze Math. Inst. 177 (2023), no. 2, 205–216. (Wos, ESCI).

5. V.S. Guliyev, S. Samko, S. Umarkhadzhiev, Grand Lebesgue spaces on quasi-metric measure spaces of infinite measureJournal of Mathematical Sciences (N.Y.) (2023)

6. M.N. Omarova, Parabolic nonsingular integral operator and its commutators on weighted Orlicz spaces, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, 13 (2023), no. 2, 167-180. (Wos, ESCI).

7. G.A. Abasova, M.N. Omarova, Commutator of anisotropic maximal function with BMO functions on total anisotropic Morrey spaces, Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mathematics, 43 (1), 3-15 (2023)  (SCOPUS).

8. R.A. Bandaliyev,  K.H. Safarova, On the solvability of nonlinear ordinary differential equations in grand Lebesgue spacesUkrainian Mathematical Journal, 74(8), 2023, p.1155–1164. (WoS, IF 0.500, Q4)

9. R.A. Bandaliyev, T.I. Nasirova, K.K. Omarova Corrigendum to “Mathematical modelling of the semi-Markovian random walk processes with jumps and delaying screen by means of a fractional order differential equation”, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 46(17) (2023), 4057-4062. (IF-2.9) (WoS, SCIE, Q1)

10. R.A. Bandaliyev, I.A. Alekperova, On some nonlinear fractional integro-differential equation and its connection with the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral in Lebesgue spacesTrans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mathematics, 43 (4) (2023),  1-7.  (Scopus, Q3)

11. E.J. Ibrahimov, S.Ar. Jafarova, Gegenbauer fractional maximal functions and its commutators on Gegenbauer-Orlicz spaces, Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 177 (2) (2023), 217-236.  (WoS)

12. E.J. Ibrahimov, S.Ar. Jafarova, Boundedness of G-Fractional Commutators with G-BMO functions, Commentationes Mathematicae, 61 (1-2) (2023).  (WoS)

13. E.J. Ibrahimov, S.Ar. Jafarova and R.A. Bandaliyev. Boundedness criteria for the fractional integral and fractional maximal operator on Morrey spaces generated by the Gegenbauer differential operatorMathematical Methods in the Appled Sciences, 2023, 46(18), 18605-18632. (WoS, SCIE, IF-2.9, Q1)


1. R.A. Bandaliyev, R.F. Babayev, On weak compactness in weighted variable Lebesgue spaces, Modern problems of Math. and Mech. Proceedings of  Inter Conference dedicated 100-th anniversary of H. Aliyev. Baku 2023, p.142.

2. M.G. Hajıbayov, R.Sh. Huseynzade, Behavior at zero of finite differences of Riesz potentials,Modern problems of Math. and Mech. Proceedings of  Inter Conference dedicated 100-th anniversary of H. Aliyev. Baku 2023, p.189-191.

3. M.N. Omarova, Global regularity in Orlicz-Morrey spaces of solutions to parabolic equations with VMO coefficients, Modern problems of Math. and Mech. Proceedings of  Inter Conference dedicated 100-th anniversary of H. Aliyev. Baku 2023, p.317-319.

4. F.A. İsayev, Commutators of multilinear Calderon –Zygmund operators with kernels of Dini type on generalized local Morrey spases, Modern problems of Math. and Mech. Proceedings of  Inter Conference dedicated 100-th anniversary of H. Aliyev. Baku 2023, p.206-208.

5. A.E. Abdullayeva, On characterization of precompact on weighted Lebesgue spaces,  Modern problems of Math. and Mech. Proceedings of  Inter Conference dedicated 100-th anniversary of H. Aliyev. Baku 2023, p.29-32.

6. A.N. Mammadova, On properties of weighted modulus continuity in  Lebesgue spaces, Modern problems of Math. and Mech. Proceedings of  Inter Conference dedicated 100-th anniversary of H. Aliyev. Baku 2023, p.261-263.

Funksional analiz şöbəsi

1. В.М.Курбанов, Х.Р.Годжаева. О бесселевости систем корневых функций дифференциального оператора второго порядка. // Pedaqoji Universitetin Xəbərləri, 2023, №2, стр.8-15.

2. I.M. Nabiev, L.I. Mammadova, G.S. Mammedzadeh. Algorithms for recovery of diffusion and Sturm-Liouville operators with semi-separated boundary conditions // Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 2023, v. 49, issue 2.

3. Aliev A.R., Muradova N.L. On conditions of regular solvability for two classes of third-order operator-differential equations in a fourth-order Sobolev-type space. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 2023, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 608-619. (WoS-SCIE; Scopus)

4. Fatma Aydın Akgun Mamed Bayramoglu. A regularized trace of an even order differential operator with bounded operator coefficient in a finite interval, FILOMAT journal of mathemati s, vol.37, no 11, 2023.

5. Nigar M.Aslanova, Khalig M.Aslanov. On self- adjoint extensions of symmetric operator with exit to larger space. Twis jurnal of pure and applied mathematics vol.14, no 1, 2023, pp. 91-105.

6. F.Sh.Muhtarov, M.Yucel.O.Sh.Muhtarov.Generalized differential transformation method for solving two-interval weber equation subject to transmission conditions.Bulletin of the Karaganda University.pp.168-176.

7. Fahreddin S.Muhtarov,Merve Yücel. “ Parameterized Differential Transform Method and Its Application to Boundary Value Transmission Problems”  Yuzuncu yil University,Journal of the İnstitute of Natural and Applied Sciences.Volume 28,İssue 2. p412-423.(august) ,2023.

8. Guliyev N.J. Guliyev N.J. Inverse square singularities and eigenparameter-dependent boundary conditions are two sides of the same coin, Q. J. Math., 74 (2023), no. 3, 889–910. 


1. H.İ.Aslanov, M.Bayramoğlu. On asimptotic properties of eigen-values of higer order operator-differential equations on the semi-axis. International conference “Modern problems of Mathematical and Mechanics” 26-28 april, 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, p. 118-119.

2. Асланов Г.И., Ейвазлы Г. Принадлеженост резолвенты  операторного уравнения высокого порядке на конечном отрезке к классу . Материалы III международной конференций “Теоретические и прикладные проблемы математики”. Сумгаитский Государственный Унтверситет 25-26 апреля 2023,стр.39-41.

3. V.M.Kurbanov, A.I.Ismailova. Riesz property criterion for the system of root function of second order differential operator. //  Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illiyinə həsr olunmuş  “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” adlı Beynəlxalq konfrans, Bakı, 26-28 aprel 2023, pp. 233-234.

4. V.M.Kurbanov, Y.Q.Abbasova. Bessel property for the system of root vector-functions of the second order differential operator with summable coefficients // Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” adlı Beynəlxalq konfrans, Bakı, 26-28 aprel 2023, pp. 231-232.

5. I.M. Nabiev, L.I. Mammadova, G.S. Mammedzadeh. On the uniqueness of the recovery of the non-selfadjoınt differential operator from spectral data / 2nd International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies ICIAS 2023 January 28 – 31, 2023 in Konya, Turkey. Abstract Book, p. 228.

6. I.M. Nabiev, L.I. Mammadova, G.S. Mammedzadeh. Some properties of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the diffusion operator with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition / 1st International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies ICSIS 2023 April 18 – 20, 2023 Konya,Turkey. Abstract Book, p. 120.

7. Aliev A.R., Rzayev E.S. On solvability of boundary-value problem for fourth-order elliptic equation with operator coefficients. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, 26-28 April 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, p.p. 58-60.

8. Aliev A.R. On the conditions for the existence of smooth solutions from Sobolev-type space for two classes of fourth order operator-differential equations. International Conference on Nonlinear Phenomena in Biology, Ecology, Physics and Mechanics in honour of Professor Messoud Efendiev on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 22-26 October 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, p.p. 6-7.

9. E.H.Eyvazov., L.V. Ibrahimova “On the discreteness of the spectrum of a degenerate elliptic differential operator”  , Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, səh. 160-161.

10. R.Dzabarzadeh, A.Jabrailova. Some results  of multiparameter  spectral theory.«Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri» Ümum. Lider H.Əliyevin 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq konfransın materialları. Bakı, 26-28 aprel 2023,səh.156.

11. F.Sh.Muhtarov. Rayleigh quotient for two-interval periodic Shturm-Lioville problems. Ümumilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq konfrans, səh 288-290.

12. A.N.Safarova, K.A.Alimardanova. The scattering problem for the system of six ordinary differential equations on a semi-axis with three given incident waves / “Riyaziyyat və mexanikanın müasir problemləri” adlı Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq Konfransının Materialları, 26-28 aprel 2023 il, Bakı, Azərbaycan, səh. 353-354.

13. N.G.Vahabov The generalized Lenggel-Stone criterian and its applications. Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics Baku, 2023, p. 395-396.

14. N.G.Vahabov. Normally-unitary operators. Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics Baku, 2022, p. 205-206.

15. N.G.Vahabov Isoabelian operators. Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics Baku, 2017, p. 220-221.

Funksiyalar nəzəriyyəsi şöbəsi

Web of Science və Scopus bazalarına daxil olan jurnallarda dərc edilmiş məqalələr

1. Vugar E. Ismailov, A three layer neural network can represent any multivariate function, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 523(1) (2023), Article 127096.

2. A.M. Najafov, A. Eroglu, F.F. Mustafayeva, On some differential properties of functions from generalized grand Sobolev-Morrey spaces, Communications Faculty of Sciences of Ankara ser. A1 Math. And Statistics, 72(2) (2023), 429-437.

3. A.M. Najafov, A. Eroglu, F.F. Mustafayeva, On some embedding theorems in grand Nikolskii-Morrey spaces with dominant mixed derivatives, Trans. of A. Razmadze Math. Institute 177(1) (2023), 85-92.

4. Aliev R., Ismailov E., Jackson-type theorem in the weak -space, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 47 (2023), 185-194.

5. Н. А. Ильясов, Порядковые равенства в пространствах ,  для наилучших приближений и модулей гладкости производных периодических функций с монотонными коэффициентами Фурье, Труды ИММ УрО РАН 2022, том 28, номер 4, 103-120.

Digər jurnallarda dərc edilmiş məqalələr

1. Aliev R.A., Samadova L.G., Boundedness of the Discrete Hilbert transform in Discrete Hölder spaces, Baku Mathematical Journal, 2:1 (2023),47-56.

2. Aliev R.A., Huseynli A.F., On the summability of the Riesz transform of Lebesgue integrable functions, Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin xəbərləri, no.1 (2023), 17-25.


1. A.M. Najafov, L.Sh. Gadimova, On embedding theorems in generalized grand weighted Sobolev spaces, Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, 26-28 Aprel, 2023, Baku.

2. Aliev R.A., Samadova L.G. Discrete Hilbert transform in Discrete Hölder spaces, Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, 26-28 Aprel, 2023, Baku, pp. 64-66.

3. Ibrahim K. Maharov, Upper bound for the approxımatıon error of RBF neural networks with two hidden nodes, Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, 26-28 Aprel, 2023, Baku, pp. 237-238.

4. Aida Kh. Asgarova, “Representation by a sum of algebras in the space of continuous functions”, Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, 26-28 Aprel, 2023, Baku, p. 111-112.

Diferensial tənliklər şöbəsi

1. Akbar B. Aliev, Yeter M. Farhadova. EXISTENCE OF A SOLUTION TO THE NONLINEAR BRIDGE PROBLEM WITH A TIME-VARYING DELAY, Advanced Mathematical Models & Applications,  Vol.7, No.3, 2022, pp.351-360 (SCOPUS).

2. T.S. Gadjiyev. Holder estimates of solutions degenerate nonlinear parabolic equations. CMDE, v.11, 2023.WOS.

3. T.S. Gadjiyev. The regularity of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations in Orlicz-Morrey spaces. Trans. Razmadzeh, v.177,2023. WOS.

4. T.S. Gadjiyev. The behavior of solutions of nonlinear equations. Trans. IMM, 2023.

5. Ziyatkhan S. Aliyev, Yagut N. Aliyeva, Global bifurcation results for some fourth-order nonlinear eigenvalue problem with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (IF-2.9, Q1), 46(1) (2023), 1282-1294.

6. Ziyatkhan S. Aliyev, Nurida A. Ismayilova,  Global bifurcation from zero in nonlinear Sturm-Liouville equation with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition, Quaestiones Mathematicae (IF-0.7, Q3), 46(11)  (2023),  2233-2241.

7. Ziyatkhan S. Aliyev, Sevinj S. Hadiyeva,  Nurida A. Ismayilova, Global bifurcation from infinity in some nonlinear Sturm-Liouville problems, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (IF-1.2, Q2),  v. 46, AN: 112 (2023)

8. Б.А. Алиев.  Асимптотическое поведение, связанное с определением одной краевой задачи для уравнения Лапласа. XVII Всероссийская с международным участием научно-техническая конференция «АНАЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ И ЧИСЛЕННЫЕ МЕТОДЫ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЯ ЕСТЕСТВЕННО-НАУЧНЫХ И СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ ПРОБЛЕМ» (АЧМ-2023), посвященная 80-летию кафедры «Высшая и прикладная математика», г.Пенза, 06-10 ноября,2023, сс.1-3.

9. Б.А. Алиев. Разрешимость одной краевой задачи с операторными граничными условиями для эллиптического-операторного уравнения второго порядка с комплексным параметром.  «Дифференциальные уравнения» (çapda).

10. A. Kh. Khanmamedov. Triangular Representation of the Solution to the Schrödinger Equation with an Additional Linear Potential // Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics V. 13, No 2, 2023, July, pp.160-166

11. A. Kh. Khanmamedov, D. H. Orudjov, On transformation operators for the Schrödinger equation with an additional periodic complex potential// Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana  (2023) 29:36

12. А.Х. Ханмамедов, Оруджев Давуд Гамзага оглы. Обратная задача рассеяния для уравнения Шредингера с дополнительным растущим потенциалом на всей оси// Теоретическая и математическая физика, 2023, том 216, №1, с.117-132

13. А.Х. Ханмамедов. Оператор преобразования для уравнения Шредингера с дополнительным экспоненциальным потенциалом// Известия Вузов. Математика, 2023, №9, с.76-84.

14. A. Kh. Khanmamedov. Triangular representation of the Jost-type solution to the perturbed  modified Mathieu equation// Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan, 2023.

15. S.Aliyev, A.Aliyeva; The study  of mixed problem for one class fourth order differential equations, Austrian  Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences, № 3-4, 2023, p.3-5 (jurnal indekli deyil).

16. A.Kh. Shamilov, N.A.Quliyev, S.H. Kahramanova. About the basics of cryptocurrency security. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Community: Interdisciplinary Research”, Hamburg, Germany, No 161 (Information and WEB Technologies), July 6-8, 2023, pp. 172-176.


1. A. B. Aliev, Y. M. Farhadova. The behavior of solutions of nonlinear suspension bridge problem with time-varying delay as . Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-28 April, 2023, pp.  55-57.

2. T.S. Gadjiyev. The regularity of solutions of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations. PDMU, 2023 thesis of conference, Ukraine.

3. Ziyatkhan S. Aliyev, Nigar S. Aliyeva, On a spectral problem for the Dirac system with boundary conditions depending on the spectral parameter, Azərbaycan Xalqının Ümummilli Lideri heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100 illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın müasir problemləri” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Elmi konfransın materialları, Bakı ş., 26-28 aprel 2023-cü il, s. 80-82.

4. B. A. Aliev, Z. E. Ismayilzade.  Problems of solvability of a boundary value problem with operator boundary conditions for an elliptic operator-differential equation of the second order.  Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-28 April, 2023, pp. 61-63.

5. Muradova Sh.A. “Investigation of parabolic fractional integral operators in parabolic local generalized Morrey spaces”. Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-28 April, 2023, pp.  302-304.

6. Muradova Sh.A. Parabolic Fractional Integral Operators with Rough Kernels in Parabolic Local Generalized Morrey Spaces. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, ICOMAA-2023, May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul , TÜRKİYE, p. 240.

7. Мурадова Ш.А., Мустафаев Э.М. “Описание диссипативных расширений одного оператора с потенциалом в виде функции Дирака”. АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ МАТЕМАТИКИ И ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ Материалы IV Всероссийской конференции с международным участием (г. Махачкала, 7-9 февраля 2023 г.), cc. 108-110.

8. Muradova Sh.A. “Some condition for boundedness of parabolic fractional integral operators in parabolic local generalized Morrey spaces”. Ümumilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Diferensial və inteqral operatorlar” Respublika elmi konfransı, 07-09 dekabr, 2023, pp.170-172

9. S.Aliyev, A.Aliyeva,The study of  multidimensional mixed problem for one class of third order nonlinear equations, Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-28 April, 2023, p.83.

10. S.Aliyev, A.Aliyeva , Study  of onedimensional mixed problem for one class of third order nonlinear pseudoparabolik equations, 6th International Hybrid Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 10-13, 2023, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, Türkiye, p.233

11. Bilal Bilalov, Nigar Ahmadzadeh, Tarlan Garayev.  Different Versions of Dirichlet Problems for Laplace equation in Non-standard Function Spaces.  6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul , TÜRKİYE, p. 242

12. Z.A. Kasumov, N.R. Ahmedzadeh.  On some properties of the Riesz potential in the Grand Lebesgue space.  Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri, Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq Konfrans.  26-28 Aprel 2023, Bakı, Azərbaycan, s. 222-223.

13. A.Kh. Shamilov. One approach to approximate solutions of stochastic differential equations. Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan, 26-28 April, 2023, pp.374-376.

Qeyri-harmonik analiz şöbəsi

Science Citation Index Expanded bazasına daxil olan jurnallarda dərc edilmiş məqalələr

1. B.T. Bilalov, Yusuf Zeren, Betule Alizade and Feyza Elif Dal. Pseudosymmetric spaces as generalization of symmetric spaces. Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis. Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis (SCMA) Vol. 20 No. 1 (2023), pp. 61-79.

2. Fidan Alizadeh, Yusuf Zeren, Feyza Elif Dal. On solvability of homogeneous Riemann boundary value problems in Hardy-Orlicz classes. Turk J Math (2023) 47,  pp.565 – 581.

3. Bilal Bilalov, Sabina Sadigova and Vafa Alili. The method of boundary value problems in the study of the basis  properties of perturbed system  of exponents in Banach function spaces. Comput. Methods Funct. Theory (2023).

4. Ali A. Huseynli, Aida Kh. Asgarova, Vugar E. İsmailov. A Chebyshev-type Alternation Theorem for Best Approximation by a Sum of Two Algebras. Proceedings of Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 2023 (Published Online).

Digər jurnallarda dərc edilmiş məqalələr

1. Telman Gasymov, Ulkar Hashimova. On the completeness and minimality of eigenfunctions of the indefinite Sturm-Liouville problem with conjugation conditions. Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics V. 10, No 2, 2022, December. 62-75.

2. I.Q.Feyzullayev, A.Q. Akhmedov. On Completeness of Eigenfunctions of the Spectral Problem. Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics V. 10, No 2, 2022, December, pp. 43-54.


1. Bilalov B.T., Yusuf Zeren, Fidan Alizadeh, Feyza Elif Dal. Approximative Properties of Perturbed Exponential System in Orlicz Spaces. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications,  May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul,  TÜRKİYE, p. 103.

2. B.T. Bilalov, Y. Zeren, S.R. Sadigova, S. Cetin. On existence theorem on solvability in the small in Weighted Grand sobolev spaces. International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics”, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, pp. 145-147.

3. B.T. Bilalov, S. Sadigova, L.Softova, Y. Zeren. Solvability in the small of higher order elliptic equations in weighted Sobolev-Banach spaces. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul , TÜRKİYE, p. 27.

4. B.T. Bilalov, Y. Zeren, S.R. Sadigova, S. Cetin. Solvability in the small and Schauder-type estimates for higher order elliptic equations in Banach-Sobolev spaces. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications,  May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul,  TÜRKİYE, p. 182.

5. B.T. Bilalov, Y. Zeren, S.R. Sadigova. Solution in the small and interior Schauder-type estimate for the m-th order elliptic operator in Morrey-Sobolev spaces. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications,  May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul,  TÜRKİYE, p. 230.

6. B.T. Bilalov, Nigar Ahmadzadeh, Tarlan Garayev. Different Versions of Dirichlet Problems for Laplace equation in Non-standard Function Spaces.  6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul , TÜRKİYE, p. 242.

7. Muradov T.R., F.Sh. Mehdiyeva. On basicity of perturbed exponential system in Morrey-type spaces. International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics”, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, pp. 298-299.

8. Tagiyeva A.A. On basicity of the perturbed system of exponents in weighted Morrey type space. International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics”, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, pp. 384-385.

9. Shukurov A.Sh. On frame properties of iterates of a multiplication operator. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul / TÜRKİYE. p. 50.

10. Telman Gasymov, Reyhan Taghiyeva. Description of domains of definition of fractional powers of a second–order differential operator with integral boundary conditions. 6th International Hybrid Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications. May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul / Türkiye, p. 194.

11. Telman Gasymov, Ulker Hashimova. On the basis property of eigenfunctions of the indefinite Sturm-Liouville problem in Lebesgue spaces.  6th International Hybrid Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications. May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul / Türkiye, p. 193.

12. T.B.Qasımov, B.Q. Akhmadli. On the strong solvability of a nonlocal boundary value problem for the Laplace equation in a rectangular domain. “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, p. 177.

13. T.B.Qasımov, Beherchin Akhmedli. On the strong solvability of a nonlocal boundary value problem for the Laplace equation in a rectangular domain. 6th International Hybrid Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications. May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul / Türkiye, p. 59.

14. Z.A. Kasumov, N.R. Ahmedzade. On some properties of the Riesz potential in the Grand Lebesgue space.  Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq Konfrans.  26-28 Aprel 2023, Bakı, Azərbaycan, p. 222-223.

15. Kasumov Z.A., Ahmedzadeh N.R. On some properties of the Riesz potential in the grand Lebesgue space. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Спектральная теория операторов и смежные вопросы» посвященная 75-летию проф. Я.Т. Султанаева, г. Уфа, Россия, 26–27 октября 2023 г.

Optimal idarəetmə şöbəsi


1. M.J.Mardanov, T.K.Melikov, S.T.Malik. Necessary conditions for a minimum in classical calculus of variations in the presence of various types of degenerations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 418, 15 January 2023.

2. Mardanov M.J., Mahmudov E.N. Optimization of the nicoletti boundary value problem for second-order differential inclusions.// Proceedings of the İnstitute of Mathematics and Mechanics. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Vol. 49. N 1, 2023, p.3-15. (WOS, Scopus).

3. M.J. Mardanov, Y.A. Sharifov. An optimal control problem for the systems with integral boundary conditions, Bulletin of the Karaganda university, Mathematics series, p.110-123,  2023, (109) 1 (WEB of Science). DOI10.31489/2023 M1/11-123 UDC 517.97.

4. K.R.Aida-Zade,V.M.Abdullayev. Rod temperature regulation using current and time-delayed feedback. J. “Quaestiones Mathematicae”, 2023, Vol.46. No.10.  pp.1991-2011. DOI: 10.2989/16073606.2022.2125454. (Web of Science IF: 0.7).

5. Adeyemo, O.D., Khalique, C.M., Gasimov, Y.S., &Villecco, F. (2023). Variational and non-variational approaches with Lie algebra of a generalized (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear potential Yu-Toda-Sasa-Fukuyama equation in engineering and physics. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 63, 17-43. (Web of Science Impakt Faktor – 6.667 – Q1).

6. Jafari, H., Ganji, R.M., Ganji, D.D., Hammouch, Z., Gasimov, Y.S. (2023). A novel numerical method for solving fuzzy variable-order differential equations with Mittag-Leffler kernel. Fractals, 31(4), 2340063.(Web of Science Impakt Faktor – 4.555 – Q1).

7. Golmankhaneh, A.K., Welch, K., Tunç, C., Gasimov, Y.S. (2023). Classical mechanics on fractal curves. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., 232, pp. 991-999. (Web of Science Impakt Faktor–2.891– Q2).

8. Latifa Agamalieva, Yusif S. Gasimov, Juan E. Napoles-Valdes. (2023). On a generalization of the Wirtinger inequality and some its applications. Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math., 68(2), 237-247. (Web of Science Impakt Faktor – 0.400 – Q4).

9. Annaghiili Sh.M., Efendiev, R.F., Gasimov Y.S., Agamalieva, L.F. (2023). On multiple eigenfunction expansion of an operator pencil with complex almost periodic potentials. Stochastic Modelling and Computational Sciences, 3(1), 75-85. (Scopus).

10. Mərdanov M.C., Rzayev R.R., Əliyev E.R., Abdullayev X.X. Universitet müəllimlərinin akademik fəaliyyətini əks etdirən göstəricilərinin ekspert təhlili əsasında inteqral indeksinin hesablanması // Azərbaycan məktəbi.| Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2023, №2, səh. 10-20.

11. Mərdanov M.C., Rzayev R.R., Əliyev E.R., Abdullayev X.X. Formation of the academic index of a university teacher based on weighted evaluation criteria // The Springer Series “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems”, 758, Vol. 2, pp. 600-608, 2023

Elmi-populyar işlər

1. M.C.Mardanov. “Böyük alim, fədakar elm və təhsil təşkilatçısı”, Respublika qəzeti, 15 fevral, 2023-cü il.

2. M.C.Mardanov. 629-cu tələbə, 525-ci qəzet, 04 fevral, 2023-cü il (professor Ədalət Tahirzadə ilə birlikdə).

3. Misir Mərdanov, “Bu cavan oğlan böyük adam olacaq”, 525-ci qəzet,14 aprel, 2023-cü il.

4. Misir Mərdanov, “General”, 525-ci qəzet,18 aprel, 2023-cü il.

5. Misir Mərdanov, “Ən böyük dissident”, 525-ci qəzet, 20 aprel, 2023-cü il.

6. Misir Mərdanov, “Alimliklə insanlığın vəhdəti”, Azərbaycan müəllimi qəzeti, 21 aprel, 2023-cü il.

7. Misir Mərdanov, “1969-cu ilin isti yayı”, 525-ci qəzet, 26 aprel, 2023-cü il.

8. Misir Mərdanov, “Heç kəsin tanımadığı, ancaq hamını tanıyan insan”, 525-ci qəzet, 28 aprel, 2023-cü il.

9. Misir Mərdanov, “Kaş bizim Rusiyada da belə adamlar olaydı”, 525-ci qəzet, 02 may, 2023-cü il.

10. Misir Mərdanov, “Heydər Əliyev və Bakı Dövlət Universiteti”, Respublika qəzeti, 03 may 2023-cü il.

11. Misir Mərdanov, “Naxçıvandan Qurtuluşa gedən yol”, 525-ci qəzet, 05 may, 2023-cü il.

12. Misir Mardanov, “Bioqraphy of Heydar Aliyev”, Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın müasir problemləri beynəlxalq konfransının materialları, Bakı 2023, 26-28 Aprel, səhifə 3-16.

13. Misir Mərdanov, “Qurtuluşdan intibaha”, 525-ci qəzet, 09 may, 2023-cü il.

14. Misir Mərdanov, “Təhsilimizin himayədarı”, Azərbaycan Müəllimi”, 10 may, 2023-cü il.

15. Misir Mərdanov “Heydər Əliyev: Mən elə bir qərar verməmişəm” , Xalq qəzeti, 10 may 2023-cü il, qəzetin müxbiri İlqar Rüstəmova müsahibə.

16. Misir Mərdanov, “Tarixin qiymət verdiyi insan”, 525-ci qəzet, 12 may, 2023-cü il.

17. Misir Mərdanov, “Ulu Öndərin arzularını reallaşdıran Lider”, 525-ci qəzet, 12 may, 2023-cü il.

18. Misir Mərdanov “Bu adam SSRİ-ni dəyişməyə gəlib”, Xalq qəzeti, 23 may 2023-cü il, qəzetin müxbiri İlqar Rüstəmova müsahibə.

19. Misir Mərdanov, Ədalət Tahirzadə, “Böyük kişinin böyük oğlu”, 525-ci qəzet, 22 iyun, 2023-cü il.

20. Misir Mərdanov, Cəlal Allahverdiyev,“Qərbi Azərbaycanın böyük oğlu – Bala Əfəndiyev” , 525-ci qəzet, 01 sentyabr, 2023-cü il.

21. Misir Mərdanov, Atom Kralı Basarkeçərdən Nevadaya qədər, 525-ci qəzet, 08 sentyabr, 2023-cü il.

22. Марданов М., Бабаев А.,”Насиреддин Туси как учитель” //Матэматыка i фiзiкa,Белорус, 2023 май, номер 3, стр.62-67.

23.  Misir Mərdanov,“Nürnberqdən sovet televiziyasının rəhbərliyinə”, 525-ci qəzet, 14 sentyabr, 2023-cü il.

24. Misir Mərdanov, “SSRİ-nin Novxanılı Qaz sənayesi naziri”, 525-ci qəzet, 22 sentyabr, 2023-cü il.

Konfrans materialları

1. M.J. Mardanov, Y.A. Sharifov. Fixed-point iteration method for solution first order differential equations with integral boundary conditions. // Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics. Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023. p. 268-270.

2. Mərdanov M.C., Əliyev E.R., Rzayev R.R., Abdullayev X.X. Formation of the academic index of a university teacher based on weighted evaluation criteria // International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS 2023), August 22-24, 2023, İstanbul Technical University and Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkish.

3. M.J.Mardanov, E.N.Mahmudov. “Optimization of hyperbolic-type polyhedral differential inclusions”, Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın müasir problemləri beynəlxalq konfransının materialları, Bakı 2023, 26-28 Aprel, səh. 236-238.

4. Mardanov M.J., Mahmudov E.N. Optimal control of elleptic differential inclusions with mixed boundary conditions, Heydar Aliyev and the Turkish World: Social, economic and cultural relations // International scientific conference,Sumqayıt, 2023, № 2, pp. 5-7.

5. Марданов М.Дж.,  Мансимов К.Б. К оптимальности квазиособых управлений в задаче управления интегро-дифференциальными уравнениями, Гейдар Алиев и тюркский мир: общественные,  экономические и культурные связи// Международная научная конференция.  Сумгайыт, 2023, № 2, pp. 143-144.

6. Марданов М.Дж., Мамедов И.Г., Абдуллаева И.А., Окорректной разрешимости одной неклассической краевой задачи для обобщенного уравнения Аллера, Гейдар Алиев и тюркский мир: общественные,  экономические и культурные связи// Международная научная конференция. Сумгайыт, cc.145-148.

7. M.J.Mardanov, A.M.Isayeva. Euler type system of equations in variational problems with delayed argument. // Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics. Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023. p. 266-267.

8. Айда-заде К.Р., Ашрафова Е.Р.Оптимизация параметров источников системы с нелокальными условиями. Материалы VIII международная конференция «Математика, ее приложения и математическое образование» (МПМО’23), 26 июнь-1 июль 2023. p.8-11.

9. М.Дж.Марданов, Г.Ф.Гулиев, Х.Т.Тагиев. Задача оптимального управления для неустойчивого гиперболического уравнения второго порядка с нелокальным граничным условием. // Динамические системы и компьютерные науки: теория и приложения (DYSC 2023). Материалы 5-й Международной конференции, Иркутск, 18-23 сентября 2023. с.112-115.

10. Кулиев Г.Ф., Сейфуллаева Х.И. Задача граничной управляемости для уравнения колебаний тонкой пластины.// Теоретические и прикладные проблемы математики. III Международная научная конференция. 25-26 апреля 2023. Sumqayıt. c. 131-132.

11. Кулиев Г.Ф., Исмаилова Г.Г. Исследование одной обратной граничной задачи для уравнения колебанийструны методом оптимального управления. // Теоретические и прикладные проблемы математики. III Международная научная конференция. 25-26 апреля 2023. Sumqayıt.c. 133-135.

12. H.F.Guliyev, Kh.I.Seyfullayeva. Determination the right hand side of the linear equation of oscillations of plate-like constructions. // Динамические системы и компьютерные науки: теория и приложения (DYSC 2023). Материалы 5-й Международной конференции, Иркутск, 18-23 сентября 2023. с.141-143.

13. Gasimov Y.S., Guliyev H.F. The speed-in-action problem for the nonlinear hyperbolic equation with a nonlocal condition. The 7th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences / 20-21 May. 2023, Elazığ-Türkiye. p. 19.


1. Misir Mərdanov, “Heydər Əliyev. Xalqa Həsr olunmuş ömür”, Təhsil nəşriyyatı, Bakı. 2023, 400 səhifə.

2. Misir Mərdanov, Ədalət Tahirzadə, “1920-ci ilə qədər ali məktəblərdə oxumuş azərbaycanlılar”, Bakı 2023-cü il,VIII Cild,  Təhsil nəşriyyatı, 736 səhifə.

Riyazi fizika tənlikləri şöbəsi


1. A.Ya. Akhundov, A.Sh. Habibova, On the Solvability of an Inverse Problem for a Hyperbolic Heat Equation. Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics V. 13, No 1, 2023, pp. 205-215.

2. Jasarat Gasimov,  Farman Mamedov, On Harnack inequality to the homogeneous nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations. Cornell University,, 2023, 27 pp.

3. Farman Mamedov, Jasarat Gasimov,On existence of two positive solutions for the nonlinear subelliptic equations involving nonuniformly p-Laplacian. Cornell University,, 2023, 23 pp.

4. Н.Б. Керимов, О спектральных свойствах дифференциальных  операторов высокого порядка с периодическими краевыми условиями. Дифференциальные уравнения, 2023, том 59, № 3, с. 314–332.

5. N.B. Kerimov, On the spectral properties of high-order differential operators with periodic boundary conditions. ISSN 0012-2661, Differential Equations, 2023, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 312–331. (məqalənin ingilis dilində çapı)

6. Мамедов Э.М. O поведении решений для одной нелинейной задачи, «Научный вестник» Наманганского Государственного Университета (НамГУ), Наманган, Узбекистан, ISSN: 2181-0427, 2023, выпуск 11, стр. 74-78.


1. Abdurrahim F. Quliyev, A new proof of Wiener’s criterion for the heat equation. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Konfransın Materialları, Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu, 26-28 aprel, 2023, Bakı, səh. 184-186.

2. Abdurrahim F. Guliyev, Aydan J. Abdullayeva, The sufficient condition for the regularity of the boundary point for the parabolic equation in terms of potential. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Konfransın Materialları, Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu, 26-28 aprel, 2023, Bakı, səh. 187-188.

3. Adalat Ya. Akhundov, Arasta Sh. Habibova, On an ınverse problem for a parabolıc equatıon ın a domaın wıth movıng boundarıes. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Konfransın Materialları, Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu, 26-28 aprel, 2023, Bakı, səh. 50-52.

4. Adalat Ya. Akhundov, On an inverse problem for an elliptic equation. Səmərqənd Dövlət Universitetində keçirilən Əli əl-Quşçunun anadan olmasının 620, Özbəkistan Elmlər Akademiyasının yaranmasının 80 illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Əli Quşçu – Mirzo Uluqbəyin elmi məktəbinin böyük səfiri” adlı Beynəlxalq Elmi Konfransın Materialları, 21-22 sentyabr, 2023, Səmərqənd, səh. 78.

5. Akhundov A.Ya., Habibova A.Sh., On an inverse problem for a parabolic equation in a domain with moving boundaries. Səmərqənd Dövlət Universitetində keçirilən Özbəkistan Milli Universitetinin 105, Musa əl-Xərəzminin 1240 və Əli əl-Quşçunun 620 illik yubileylərinə həsr olunmuş “Tətbiqi riyaziyyat və informasiya texnologiyalarının aktual problemləri – əl-Xərəzmi 2023” adlı 8-ci Beynəlxalq Elmi Konfransın Materialları, 25-26 sentyabr, 2023, Səmərqənd, səh. 176.

6. Farman Mamedov, On qualitative properties of some nonuniform elliptic equations. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA-2023), Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey, May 10-13, 2023, p. 222.

7. F.I. Mamedov, Kh. Gasimova, On dirichlet problem for a class of non-uniformly parabolic equations with measure data. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Konfransın Materialları, Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu, 26-28 aprel, 2023, Bakı, səh. 252.

8. N.M. Mammadzade, S.M. Mammadli, On the Dirichlet problem for the non-homogeneous Dirichlet problem for a degenerate fractional order Laplace equation. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Konfransın Materialları, Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu, 26-28 aprel, 2023, Bakı, səh. 265.

9. Y.N. Aliyev, N.B. Kerimov, Minimality conditions for Sturm-Liouville problems with a boundary condition depending affinely or quadratically on an eigenparameter. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Konfransın Materialları, Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu, 26-28 aprel, 2023, Bakı, səh. 86-88.

10. Sh.G. Bagirov, Aynur F. Jabrailova,  The absence of positive global periodic solution of a second-order semi-linear parabolic equation with time-periodic coefficients. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Konfransın Materialları, Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu, 26-28 aprel, 2023, Bakı, səh. 139-141.

11. E.M. Mamedov, Some results on the global behavior for the solution of a nonlinear fourth order equation with nonlinear boundary conditions. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Konfransın Materialları, Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu, 26-28 aprel, 2023, Bakı, səh. 248-249.

12. Aynur H. Hasanova, Uniqueness and stability of the solution of the inverse problem for equation of parabolic type. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100-illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Konfransın Materialları, Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu, 26-28 aprel, 2023, Bakı, səh. 196-197.


1. Ə. Quliyev, N. Qəhramanova, M. Kərimov, Riyaziyyat 11. Dərslik, Radius Nəşriyyatı, 2023, 320 səh.

2. Ə. F. Quliyev və b. Riyaziyyat. DİM-2023, Test toplusu, I hissə (azərbaycan və rus dillərində), “CN Poliqraf” MMC, 272 səh. 

Deformasiya olunan bərk cisim mexanikası şöbəsi


1. Latif Kh.Talybly, Mehriban A.Mammadova. Cyclic bending and delayed fracture of  bars of viscoelasticplastic material // Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Engineering Mechanics Scientific and Technical Journal, September 2022, Issue 12 Volume 4 Number 3, pages 32-41.

2. On one mathematical model of characteristics of corrosion strength of materials // Международной научно-практический журнал, Endless Light in Science, 20 January 2023, p.305-309.

3. Mehriban MAMMADOVA. The solution of the problem of cycle loading of hereditary elasticoplastic ball at pulsating internal pressure // Proceedings Book International Conference on Engineering Science, Azerbaijan Technical University, november 11-12, 2022, Baku, p.386-392.

4. МАМЕДОВА МЕХРИБАН АЛИ КЫЗЫ. Напряженно-деформированное состояние наследственно упругопластического шара при пульсирующем внутреннем давлении // Международной научно-практический журнал, Endless Light in Science, 17 Декабря, 2022 с.175-181.

5. М.А.МАМЕДОВА. Исследование изгибных колебаний вязкоповреждающегося стержня при отсутствии эффекта залечивания дефектов // Bakı universitetinin xəbərləri, Fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası, №4, 2022, s.47-56.

6. Частичный контакт берегов трещины в стрингерной пластине с круговым отверстием // Актуальные проблемы строительства и строительной индустрии: Сборник материалов XXIV Межд. научно-техн. конф. / под общ. ред. Т.Е. Синицыной. Тула: Изд-во ТулГУ, 2023. С. 41-46.

7. EMIN T. BAGIROV. On the influence of finite initial strains of the plate made of highly elastic material and loaded by the compressible inviscid fluid on the  dispersion of the axisymmetric waves propagating in this plate // Journal of Baku Engineering University, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 2022, Vol.6, Number 1, p.22-35.

8. E.T. BAGIROV. Dispersion of axisymmetric quasi-scholte waves in the pre-strained highly elastic plate loaded by compressible inviscid fluid // Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Scientific and Technical Journal on “Engineering Mechanics”, Iss.12, Vol. 4, No. 3, Sep. 2022, p.42-55.

9. Bagirov E.T., Veliyev G.J. The influence of the axisymmetric inhomogeneous residual stresses in the hollow cylinder contained inviscid compressible fluid on the dispersion of the axisymmetric waves propagating in that // Pedaqoji universitetin xəbərləri. Riyaziyyat və təbiət elmləri seriyası – 2022, c. 70, №3, s. 9-23.

10. Emin T. Bagirov. On the influence of the inhomogeneous residual stresses on the dispersion of axisymmetric longitudinal waves in the hollow cylinder // Tran. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mechanics, 42 (8), 25-35 (2022).

11. Emin T. Bagirov, Surkay D. Akbarov, Asaf D. Zamanov. On the axisymmetric waves propagating in the prestrained highly elastic plate under bilateral contact with various fluids // 23 Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi, 4-8 Sentyabr, Konya Teknik Universitesi, 2023, s.144-157.

12. The influence of the imperfect contact condition on the dispersion of the axisymmetric waves in the bi-layered hollow cylinder with inhomogeneous initial stresses // The International Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Mechanics” (to the 145th anniversary of the birth of S.P. Timoshenko), The National Academy of  Sciences of Ukraine,  November 14-16, 2023.

13. Emin Bagirov, S.D. Akbarov. The dispersion of the axisymmetric waves propagating in the pre-strained highly elastic plate under bi-lateral contact with a fluid // Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2022, p.1-37.

14. Emin T. Bagirov , Surkay D. Akbarov. Dispersion of the axisymmetric waves propagating in the hydro-elastic system consisting of the pre-strained highly elastic plate, compressible inviscid fluid, and rigid wall // Archive of Applied Mechanics , 08 November 2022, p. 861–879.

15. Influence of inhomogeneous residual stresses arising from the contact of the cut on the dispersion of axisymmetric longitudinal waves in the two-layer hollow cylinder // International Applied Mechanics, 59 (4), 2023, p.493-503.

16. Emin T. Bagirov , Surkay D. Akbarov. Dispersion of axisymmetric longitudinal waves propagating in an inhomogeneous prestressed hollow cylinder immersed in an inviscid compressible fluid // Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 569,  20 January 2024, p.1-32.

17. Dynamics of the oscillating, moving and oscillating-moving loads acting on the inner surface of the hollow cylinder surrounded by the elastic medium (survey) / The International Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Mechanics” (to the 145th anniversary of the birth of S.P. Timoshenko), The National Academy of  Sciences of Ukraine,  November 14-16, 2023.

18. Хиджран А.МАММАДОВА. Формула, которая позволяет определить коррозионное разрушение под напряжением // JOURNAL OF BAKU ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY- MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, 2022. Volume 6, Number 2, p.122-126.

19. On some results of processing the experimental data of tense metals’s corrosion longevity considering an influence of various factors // News of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions, Vol.25, Issue 3(143), 2023, p.17-23.


1. Solution of the viscoelastic boundary value problem for a rotating disk / Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics“ of the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev,  Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, p.389-391.

2. Mehriban A. Mammadova. Solution of the problem of the long durability of hollowshaft at torsion with the account of its damageability / Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics“ of the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, p.251-252.

3. Mehriban MAMMADOVA. Delayed fracture of bars of viscoelasticplastic material on cyclic bending / XI. ULUSLARARASI AVRASYA UYGULAMALI BİLİMLER KONGRESİ, 27-28 Mayıs 2023, Ankara, p.2.

4. Emin T. Bagirov, Surkay D. Akbarov. On the influence of the residual stresses arising from the contact of the cut on the dispersion of axisymmetric longitudinal waves in the two-layer hollow cylinder / Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics“ of the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Baku, 26-28 April , 2023, p. 136 – 138.

5. Nigar M. Nagiyeva. On determining the number of loading cycles to failure of car axle / Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics“ of the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Baku, 26-28 April, 2023, p.308-309.

6. Hijran A. Mammadova. On determining the time to corrosive failure with nonsteady potential changes / Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics“ of the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Baku, 26-28 April, 2023, p.253.

7. Vusala B. Rzayeva. Corrosive failure of elliptic bar under the action of torque / VII International Scientific Conference of Young Reseachers dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National leader of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, 28-29 April 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, p.859.

8. Rzayeva Vüsalə Bayazxan qızı. Qeyri-bircins halqalarla möhkəmləndirilmiş qeyri-bircins silindrik örtüyün mayedə sərbəst rəqslərinin tədqiqi / The XXXIV International Scientific Symposium “From the 20th of January to Karabakh Victory”, Turkey, The 28th of January 2023, p.251-254.

9. Vusala B. Rzayeva. Free vibrations of an inhomogeneous fluid-contacting shell strengthened with inhomogeneous rods / Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics“ of the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, 26-28 April, 2023, p.344-346

Maye və qaz mexanikası şöbəsi

Science Citation Index Expanded bazasına daxil olan jurnallarda dərc edilmiş məqalələr

1. Geylani M. Panahov,  Eldar M. Abbasov, Azizaga Kh. Shakhverdiev, Renqi Jiang. High efficiency in-situ CO2 generation technology: the method for improving oil recovery factor. Petroleum Science and Technology.

2. Geylani M. Panahov, Eldar M. Abbasov, Babek N. Sultanov. Control of capillary instability under hydrodynamic impact on the reservoir. Nafta-Gaz 2023, no. 2, pp. 71–83.

3. Geylani Panahov, Parviz Museibli, Babek Sultanov. Effect of soil consolidation on the fractality of the filtration law. 84-94, JAME, volume 28, number 1 (2023). 10.59441/ijame-2023-0008 (Scopus), pp.84-94.

4. G.M. Panahov, E.M. Abbasov , V.J. Balakci. Modellıng the growth of a colmatage agent for reservoır sweep ımprovement under water floodıng. ANAS Transactions, Earth Sciences, Special Issue / 2023, 109‐112.

5. Panahov G.M., Abbasov E.M. Phase transformatıons ın pıpelıne gas transportatıon and methods to prevent emergıng complıcatıons. Baku Mathematical Journal, 2023, Vol. 2, No 1, pp. 77-87.

6. Abbasov E.M., Jafarova U.F., Nasibova S.İ., Huseynov V.G. In situ gas generation in dispersed sustems to control structure formation. Trans.Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mechanics, 42 (8), 3-16 (2022).

7. Панахов Г.М., Аббасов Э.М., Бахтизин Р.Н. Регулирование течением флюидов в пористых средах с учетом электрокинетических эффектов. Нефтегазовое дело, №5, 2023 (РИНЦ).

8. Ibrahim J. Mamedov. An ınvestıgatıon of the dıffusıon effect on the hydrodynamıc parameters ın the fluıd’s mutual dısplacement.  Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences.


1. Geylani M. Panahov, Eldar M. Abbasov, Ibrahim M. Mamedov. Diffusive mass transfer in porous media during in-situ gas generation. Özbəkistan Milli Universitenin-105, Musa-əl-Xorezminin 1240 illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Tətbiqi riyaziyyat və informasiya texnologiyalarının aktual problemləri” səkkizinci “Əl-Xorezm 2023” Beynəlxalq elmi konfrans. SamSU, Samarkand – Uzbekıstan, September 25–26, 2023.

2. Geylani M. Panahov, Eldar M. Abbasov. Qaz-maye qarışıqlarının axınlarında qeyri-tarazlıq hallara təsir edən amillər. Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti (ADNSU), “Neftin, qazın geotexnoloji problemləri və kimya” ETI. Akademik Azad Xəlil oğlu Mirzəcanzadənin 95 illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Neftqazçıxarmanın innovasiya texnologiyaları” adlı Beynəlxalq Elmi-Təcrübi Seminar. 29 sentyabr 2023.

3. Geylani M. Panahov, Eldar M. Abbasov, Vusale J. Balakci. Modelling the growth of a colmatage agent for reservoir sweep improvement under water flooding. AETN, Neft və Qaz İnstitutunda keçirilən Azərbaycan xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq elmi-praktiki konfrans. Baku, Azerbaijan, May 23-26, 2023.

4. Parviz Museibli, Afet Yuzbashiyeva, Gulshan Agayeva. The effect of electrokinetic properties on fluid flow in porous media. “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illiyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq Konfrans, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, pp. 300-301.

5. G. M. Panahov, E. M. Abbasov, I. J. Mamedov. Effects of layer and gas separation temperatures on gas diffusion in porous media. “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illiyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq Konfrans, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, pp. 323-324.

6. G.M. Panahov, B.N. Sultanov. Influence of cyclic shock waves on reservoir structures and formations. “Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın Müasir Problemləri” Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illiyinə həsr olunmuş Beynəlxalq Konfrans, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, pp. 325-327.

Cəbr və riyazi məntiq şöbəsi


1. M.Mərdanov, Ə.Ə.Babayev.  Nəsirəddin Tusi bir müəllim kimi. Məhəmməd Nəsirəddin Tusinin irsinə həsr edilmiş elmi konfrans.Bakı,2022, səh. 91-97.

2. Ə.Ə.Babayev, V.F.Məclumbəyova.  Формирование концепции действительного числа в трудах Насиреддина Туси. Международная конференция Российского национального комитета по истории и философии науки и техники РАН ИИЕТ РАН Москва, 2022, стр. 430-433.

3. M.Mərdanov, Ə.Ə.Babayev, Насиреддин Туси как учитель, Матэматıка Фıзıка 3 (145), 2023, стр. 62-67.


1. Ə.Ə.Babayev. История Математики –наука о прошлом или математическая исциплина. “Elm tarixi və elmşünaslıq: fənlərarası tədqiqatlar” mövzusunda Beynəlxalq elmi konfransın materialları, Bakı,  2022. səh.73-74.

2. Ə.Ə.Babayev, V.F.Məclumbəyova. N.Tusi about the Beginning of sciences, Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the İnternational Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Haydar Aliyev, Baku, 2023. pp.127-129.

3. L.Ə.Şeyxzamanova. The theory of additions of the rotational motion of a material point around parallel axes in opposite directions by ancient astronomers. Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the İnternational Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Haydar Aliyev, Baku, 2023. pp.376-377.

4. E.M.Məmmədov. About special subspaces of  Marcinkiewicz and Morrey spaces. Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the İnternational Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Haydar Aliyev, Baku, 2023. pp.247-248.

5. Ə.S.Əliyev, R.Q.Babayeva. Theses on four theorems regarding the surface of a right cylinder and a cone from place N.Tusi’s Treatise “Comments on the work of Archimedes” “On the ball and cylinder”. Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Proceedings of the İnternational Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Haydar Aliyev, Baku, 2023. pp.84-85.

6. Ə.Ə.Babayev. Роль российских ученых в развитии математики в Азербайджана. XLIV Международной научной годичной конференции к 70-летию СПбФ ИИЕТ РАН, Санкт-Петербург, 23-27 октября.

7. Ə.Ə.Babayev, V.F.Məclumbəyova. Тезисы Насиреддинна Tуси об «определении» в трактате «Извлечение из логики». Тринадцатые Смирновские чтения по логике, Москва, 22 – 24 июня 2023, стр.144-145.

Kompüter texnologiyaları və riyazi statistika

1. Об одном алгоритме численного моделирования механических систем с вариаторами, учитывающем жесткость дифференциальных связей между координатами состояния// Нефтегазовое дело. 2022. Т. 20, № 6. С. 149–161.

2. On Scaling the Representativeness of Sample Statistics in Solving Astochastic Control Problem//Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics Proceedins of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leder Heydar Aliyev Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, 306-307.

3. Limit Theorems for the Markov random walks describes by the generalization of autoreqressive process of order one (AR(1))// AMEA Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutunun “AMEA-nın Xəbərləri” jurnalı Volume 43 (2023), Issue 1, pp 34-40.

4. On the uniform integrability of a family of moments of the first intersection of a parabola by a perturbed Random walk described by an autoregressive process (AR(1))// Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics Proceedins of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leder Heydar Aliyev Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, 331-332.

5. On limit behavior of the Markov random walks describes by the generalization of autoreqressive process of order one (AR(1))// Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics Proceedins of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leder Heydar Aliyev Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023,70-72.

6. On The Law of large Numbers For the Markov Random Walks Deserated by the Autoregressive Process.// Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics Proceedins of the International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leder Heydar Aliyev Baku, 26-28 Aprel, 2023, 221-222.

7. Age Dependent Branching Processes// PDMU2022. XXXVII International Conference Problems Of Decision Making Under Uncertainties (Sheki-Lankaran, Republic of Azerbaijan . November 23 – 25, 2022) Кyiv 2022, p. 20-21.

8. Control of a Dynamic Object With Inexactly Given Parametrs And Initial Conditions// PDMU2022. XXXVII International Conference Problems Of Decision Making Under Uncertainties (Sheki-Lankaran, Republic of Azerbaijan. November 23 – 25, 2022) Кyiv 2022. p. 10.

Tətbiqi riyaziyyat şöbəsi

Science Citation Index Expanded bazasına daxil olan jurnallarda dərc edilmiş məqalələr

1. E.M.Abbasov,  А. А. Аббасов, Ш. З.Исмайлов, А. А.Сулейманов. Оперативная оценка эффективности процесса заводнения на основе емкостно-резистивной модели с нелинейным коэффициентом продуктивности. SOCAR Proceedings  Special Issue No. 1 (2023), p.19-26 SCOPUS.

2. A.G.Melikov. E.M.Abbasov, Sh.A.Kerimova. Hydrodynamic modeling the operation process of gas lift wells. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics Vol. 96, No. 5, 2023, p.1341-1355 (WoS,  Scopus, Impact Factor 0.6, Q2).

3. E.M.Abbasov, Sh.A.Kerimova. Gas Hydrodynamic Modeling of Operation of Intermittent Gas Lifts. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics  ISSN 1810-2328. Vol. 32, No. 2, 2023, p. 256-278  (WoS,  Scopus, Impact Factor 2.4, Q3).

4. E.M.Abbasov, N.A.Aqaeva. Movement of the gas-liquid mixture in the reservoir-turbine pipeline system, taking into account heat exchange. “Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics Vol. 96, No. 3, 2023, p. 796-8091355 (WoS,  Scopus, Impact Factor 0.6, Q2).

Digər jurnallar

1. Q.Q.Aliyev, Aliyev A.G. Longitudinal vibration of a rod with varying mass taking into account the physical-chemical change. International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering & Technology, Vol. 10 Issue 05, May 2023, p.13-31.

2. İ.H.Mirzəzadə. Poisoning with Carbon Monoxide and Importance of Monitoring of Patients after CO Poisoning. Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics, Volume 10, Issue 2. Baku, April, 2023, p.19 – 42.

3. F.S. Latifov, A.H.Movsumova. Vibrations of reinforced inhomogeneous, weakened cylindrical  panels in contact with a viscoelastic medium. Journal of Baku Engineering University Mathematics and Computer Science”.


1. E.M. Abbasov, Ş.A.Kerimova. Movement of a gas-liquid mixture in a vertical pipe. Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, 26-28 April, 2023, p.23-26.

2. E.M. Abbasov, N.R.Abdullayeva. Influence of sanding on the dynamics of gas movement. An international conference “Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, 26-28 April, 2023, p.17-19.

3. E.M. Abbasov, A.O. Darishova. The effect of time and temperature on the rheological behavior and flow performance of fluid. Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, 26-28 April, 2023, p.20-22.

4. İ.H.Mirzəzadə, H.R. Naghizade, G.G. Abdullaeva. Monitoring of Patients after CO Poisoning. Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics“ of the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Baku, 26-28 April , 2023, p. 282 – 284.

5. A. H. Movsumova. Free vibrations of inhomogeneous, weakened cylindrical panels in contact with a viscoelastic medium, reinforced by shafts. An international conference “Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku, 26-28 April, 2023, p.289-290.

“Siqnalların emalının riyazi problemləri”  laboratoriyası

Science Citation Index Expanded bazasına daxil olan jurnallarda dərc edilmiş məqalələr

1. Sadigova S.R. On μ-strong Cesaro summability at infinity and its application to the Fourier–Stieltjes transforms. Arab. J. Math., 12, (2023), pp. 233–245 .

Digər jurnallarda dərc edilmiş məqalələr

2. Z.C. Zabidov, Kh.M. Gadirova.  Application of interpolation method to reduce the number of discrete signal presentations in environmental monitoring issues.  Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics V. 12, No 2, 2022, pp. 22-28.

3. Zabidov Z.C., Məhərrəmov  B.C., Qədirova X.M. Şuls metodu ilə hidrometrik müşahidə məntəqələrin su sərfinə dair məlumatlarin informativliyinin qiymətləndirilməsi. “NAXÇIVAN” UNİVERSİTETİ, ELMİ ƏSƏRLƏR, 2022, № 4, pp. 368-374.


1. Zeren Y., Sadigova S.R., Cetin S. On existence theorem on solvability in the small in Weighted Grand Sobolev spaces. International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader of Mathematics and Mechanics”, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023Heydar Aliyev “Modern Problems, pp. 145-147.

2. Sadigova S.R. On µ-strong Cesaro summability at infinity.  International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics”, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, pp. 350-351.

3. Sadigova S.R., N.A. Nasibova, Ismailov. On the basicity of double system of exponents in the Weighted Lebesgue space. International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics”, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, pp. 352-353.

4. Bilalov B. T., Softova L., Zeren Y. , Sadigova S.R. Solvability in the small of higher order elliptic equations in weighted Sobolev-Banach spaces. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications, May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul , TÜRKİYE, p. 27.

5. Bilalov B.T. , Zeren Y. , Cetin S. , Sadigova S.R. Solvability in the small and Schauder-type estimates for higher order elliptic equations in Banach-Sobolev spaces. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications,  May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul,  TÜRKİYE,  p. 182.

6. Bilalov B.T. , Zeren Y. , Sadigova S.R. Solution in the small and interior Schauder-type estimate for the m-th order elliptic operator in Morrey-Sobolev spaces. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications,  May 10-13, 2023, İstanbul,  TÜRKİYE, p. 230.

7. Zabidov Z.C.,  Gadirova Kh.M., Classification according to NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) values, evaluation of discriminating threshold value in soil-vegetation classification. International Conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics”, Baku, 26-28 Aprel 2023, pp . 408.

Faydalı linklər