Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

We celebrate the head of the department of “Theory of functions”, doctor of math. sci. Vugar Ismailov on the occasion of his 50th anniversary!

Marks the 50th anniversary of the birth of Vugar Ismailov, head of the department “Theory of Functions” of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, who made a valuable contribution to the development of mathematical science in our country and abroad.

Vugar Elman oglu Ismailov was born on September 26, 1971, in the city of Salyan of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1988-1993, he received higher education at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Baku State University. In 1995-1998, he continued his full-time postgraduate studies at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS. In 2000, he defended his dissertation on “Approximation by sums of functions of fewer variables”, and in 2014 he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Approximation by ridge functions with fixed directions”. From 1997 to 2013, he worked as a junior researcher, a researcher, a senior researcher, a leading researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (IMM) of ANAS. In 2007 and 2008, he worked as a “visiting scientist” at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Since 2013, he has been the head of the Department of “Theory of Functions” of ANAS IMM. He is a member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS. Since 2014, he has been the managing editor of the journal “Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, NAS of Azerbaijan”. In addition, he is a member of the editorial board of the “Azerbaijan Mathematical Journal”, “Transactions of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, NAS of Azerbaijan”. In 2017, Vugar Ismailov was invited to the University of Oxford, where he gave a lecture on the topic “Representation of C(X) as a sum of its subalgebras and some applications”.

The management and staff of the Institute cordially congratulate Vugar Ismailov on his 50th birthday, wish him health, long life, and new achievements in scientific activity.

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