Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

We congratulate Hijran Mammadova, scientific worker of the “Deformable Solid Mechanics” department, on her 55th birthday

Hijran Ali gizi Mammadova was born on July 14, 1967 in the city of Shusha in an intellectual family. In 1984, he graduated from school No. 54 named after A. Shaig in Baku with a gold medal and was admitted to the Azerbaijan State Oil and Chemical Institute in the same year. He studied at the institute with the “Lenin” scholarship, which was considered the most at that time, and in 1989 he graduated from the “Automation of Production Processes” faculty of that institute with honors. From 1989 to 2000, Hijran Mammadova worked as an engineer researcher at the Oil Academy with the appointment of a young specialist. Since 2000, he has worked as an engineer, junior researcher, and researcher in the “Reptile theory” department of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is a researcher at the Department of “Deformable Solid Mechanics” at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics.

At the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Hijran Mammadova received a number of important scientific results that allowed predicting the corrosion time of objects under stress. Two results were noted as important results in the annual reports of the National Academy of Sciences. These results are as follows:

– Built a function that expresses the universal properties of construction materials working in an aggressive environment under stress and justified this function with experimental data published in the literature;

– Developed a method that allows predicting the time of corrosion disintegration of objects when the initial value of the non-stationary variable concentration of the aggressive medium and the empirically determined characteristics of the “material – aggressive medium” system are known.

Hijran Mammadova applied the theoretical results he received to the prediction of corrosion breakdown of a number of concrete structural elements of practical importance.

During his tenure at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Hijran Mammadova participated in a large number of international and national scientific conferences and delivered scientific reports dedicated to the current problems of mechanics. Mrs. Hijran is the author of 25 (twenty-five) published scientific works.

The staff of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS congratulates Mrs. Hijran on her 55th anniversary, wishes her good health, which is the most valuable gift for human life, and new achievements in her future scientific activity.

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