Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Quantum calculations will create problems in the field of cyber security

With the emergence of quantum computers, traditional encryption will lose its effectiveness.
Technologically developed countries have long been focusing on the dangers that quantum calculations can cause for cryptography. The European Union has invested $ 1.13 billion in development of cryptography only in 2016. The United Kingdom has spent $ 300 million for this purpose, Australia and Canada, $ 25 and $ 50 million, respectively.
Grigor Ribordi, head of ID Quantique corporation, believes that loss of data will become a bigger problem when quantum computers will successfully “crash” technical encryption, such as relatively widespread open and closed keys.
Two keys are based based on asymmetric cryptography. One is used to encrypt the data, and the other one to open them. Theoretical quantum computers will be able to solve issues faster than the usual computers and decode the switches. Taking into account the pace of quantum calculations, it can become reality after 5-10 years.
According to Q. Ribord’s words, the appearance of quantum computers will lose its traditional encryption efficiency. This means that all valuable data transmitted in encrypted type will suffer, bank transactions and crypto-currency will also be in danger. Criminals will be able to access critical energy facilities at any point in the world.
Experts note that this problem will not only interfere with intelligence agencies and experts in cybersecurity, but also create problems with social platforms and messengers like WhatsApp, which uses keywords for user authorization.
Governments and companies should take strict measures to protect information. Because in about 4-5 years traditional technologies will not be able to bear the attacks used by quantum technologies.

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