Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Plenary talks

The talks:

Chairman: Corr. – member of ANAS, prof. Bilal Bilalov

  1. Prof. Yusif Mammadov, The eigenvalue problem in the case of complex-valued roots of the characteristic equation”
  2. Prof. Varga Kalantarov, Continuous dependence and decay estimates for Euler-Bernoulli type Equations” 

Chairman: Corr. – member of ANAS, prof. Geylani Panahov

  1. Corr.- member of ANAS, prof. Surkay Akbarov, M.I. Ismailov, “On the “gyroscopic effect” under dynamics of an oscillating moving load acting on the elastic plate laying on the compressible viscous fluid with finite depth”
  2. Prof. Heybetkulu Mustafayev, “Quantitative generalization of the Hartman-Sarason theorem”
  3. Prof. Elimhan Mahmudov, “The theory of duality to problems with higher order differential inclusions”
  4. Prof. Asghar Rahimi, Z. Samadzadeh, “Woven Fusion Frames and it’s applications”
  5. Prof. Prof. Octavio Paulo Vera Villagran, “Stability for an Klein-Gordon equation type with a boundary dissipation of fractional derivative  type”

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