Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Department of “Wave dynamics”


Head of the department: Jafar Gasan oglu Agalarov
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor
Tel: (+994 12) 4988708, (+994 55) 3069121
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Number of employees: 16
Basic Scientific Direction of the Department Investigation of wave propagation process in deformable solids. Impact and failure problems. Elaboration of new solution methods.
Basic scientific results obtained in the department: Dynamical theory of threads, membranes and networks were worked out, experimental investigations of the wave propagation process in flexible bonds were carried out, and the methods of definition of dynamical properties of materials were developed. A number of problems on failure of structural elements, including for complicated structure materials were solved. For the first time in world practice, the problems on transient wave’s propagation in rectangular bars were investigated from the position of the exact three-dimensional theory and appropriate analytic solutions were obtained. The problems of dynamical failure, when it occurs not on one line, but in different directions, were also were first researched theoretically and experimentally, new results were obtained. Stationary and transient motions of liquid-filled spherical and cylindrical shells in the continuum were investigated. Cylindrical and spherical shells filled with fluid and elastic medium, stationary and non stasinar actions have been investigated in full.
The motion of non-circular plates and membranes.
Fixed problem finding 4 unknown functions for problem determination of the total solution to the problem of three-dimensional elstodinamiki. For this new solution to the wave equation used.
Very important work printed about basic scientific results have been marked below:
  1. Агаларов Дж.Г., Муталлимов Ш.М.О соударений гибкой связи и тела конечной   массы. Механика твердого тела. Москва 1974, №4
    2. Агаларов Дж.Г., Муталлимов Ш.М. Нормальный удар конусом по нелинейно-упругой мембране. Прикладная механика. Киев 1974,т.10,вып.5
    3. Агаларов Дж.Г., Рахматуллин Х.А., Нуриев Б.Р.  Удар конусом по деформируемой нити. Прикладная математика и механика. Москва 1981,т.45,№2
    4. Расулова Н.БРаспространение волн в призматическом брусе подверженном действии осевых сил. Изв. АН РФ, журн. «Механика твердого тела», 1997, №6, с.171-176
    5Rasulova N.B. On dynamic of bar of rectangular cross section. Trans. of ASME, Journal of Appl. Mech. v.68, July, 2001, p.662-666
    6. Mammadova G.A. Determination of mowing of cylindrical inclusion with elastically – fixed mass in elastic medium.  Proc. of Ins. of Math. And Mech.NAS of Azerb. – 2002.vol. 17(25) –p.150-153
    7. Rustamova M.A. Tension of a rectangular net fastened from two adjacent sides,  Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan, v. XVI (XXIV), 2002, р.156-160
    8.  Rasulova N.B. The Propagation of Star-Shaped Brittle Cracks Trans. of ASME, Journal of Appl. Mech. v. 77, July 2010, p. 044502-1 to 044502-5
    9. Дж.Агаларов, Мамедова Г., Е.Тахери.  Исследование свободных колебаний упруго-закрепленных и в промежутке заполненными жидкостью концентрических цилиндров Азярбайжан Техники Университети, Елми Ясярляр Фундаментал Елмляр, №2, жилд ХI(42), Баку-2012,с.102-107
    10. Сейфуллаев А. И.,Мамедова Г.А. Рустамова М. А. Юзбашиева А.О. Анализ свободных колебаний тонкостенных цилиндрических оболочек содержащих сжимаемую жидкость//Инженерно-физический журнал, Том.85, №6, 2012. Минск
    11. Ахундов М.Б., Сейфуллаев А.И., Гасанова Л.А. Прогнозирование длительной прочности при циклическом нагружении Азярбайжан Техники Университети, Елми Ясярляр Фундаментал Елмляр, №1, жилд ХI(41), Баку-2012
    12.  Заманов А.Д., Ахундова И.А. Расслоение двухслойного корро­ди­ро­ван­ного кольца при радиальном колебании. Международный журнал – Меха­ни­ка композитных материалов, 2012, №1 стр.153-16
    13.A.DZamanov, T.R. Suleymanov «Dynamical strained condition of a bi-la­­yer plate on a rigid foundation» //  XVII İnternational Conference Mechanics of Com­posite Materials May 28 – June 1, 2012 p.233, Riga, Latvia.
    14. A.D. Zamanov, S.A. Gahramanov «Beam bending with consideration of cor­ro­sion wear» // XVII International Conference Mechanics of Composite Ma­te­rials May 28 – June 1, 2012 p.234, Riga, Latvia.
    15.  Расулов М.Б. Однородное решение плоских задач еластодинамики. Nəzəri tətbiqi mexanika № 3-4, səh. 108-111.Baku 2012.
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